@Ink Blood: You should have gotten the PM some time yesterday; just noting because the current see-whether-the-number-has-changed stand-in for notifications doesn't make it the easiest to realize that you've received something. @Jack: This is Legion's character's companion [NPC]. Will try to PM what the deal with him is soon. Hmm... And I guess you could simply add the titles for new characters a bit later if they don't come to you immediately? Knowing my own dislike for character sheets, and the need to actually play/write a new one a bit before I know who and what they are. On another note, ASTA let us know that he has lost Internet connection (and before that, his laptop's cord had died, which left him only with a PC he could lend ... a PC which now has no connection, if I understood correctly). He is therefore a bit MIA. --- [b]Name: [/b]Domhnall MacRaith [b]Ethnicity and species:[/b] Forestfolk éireannach [b]Sex/gender:[/b] Male/man [b]Age: [/b]42 [b]Physical build and appearance:[/b] Domhnall stands at about six feet tall, and has the narrow frame and greater range of flexibility typical for his species and ethnicity. His form is lean-muscled and fit, and while he cannot boast with impressive physical prowess, he nevertheless has enough upper body strength to be able to fairly easily pull himself up and onto whatever support he can get a proper hold of. His movements almost always seem to be rapid. His skin very strongly displays the distinctive complexion characteristic to the Forestfolk, being a seemingly random asymmetrical pattern of various light green and light brown splotches. The pattern of his skin does not truly change over time - it could probably be used for identification -, but mostly depending on how much or little sun he has received lately, the colors may become either lighter or darker, and the general tone either more prominently green or brown respectively. The overall coloration of his skin even encompasses his narrow lips, which are just a tone darker than the brown patch that can be seen covering the lower right half of his cheek and jaw ... or could be seen covering, if he did not incidentally wear a rather thick full beard. Domhnall's eyes are dark green and have a somewhat rounded almond shape; his nose is thin - as is probably befitting for his generally narrow face -, his cheekbones slightly underprominent, and his chin squared rather than pointed. His hair, beard and somewhat thick, but well-defined eyebrows are all an almost pure black, with just a barely perceptible undertone of very dark brown. The beard is generally kept between an inch and two long, whereas his wavy hair has typically been left to drop freely to his upper middle back. Of other discernible features, it is perhaps worth noting that his hands and lower arms each have a number of small scars from various injuries sustained over time, and that his right leg carries an especially nasty torn scar running from the middle of his calf and ending practically at the back of his knee. He probably seriously lucked out with the last one - had the injury reached two inches higher, it would have seriously injured his knee and potentially disabled it, and had it strayed deeper or more to the side, and it would have severed a major vein and made reaching a settlement before bleeding to death questionable. [b]Carried equipment and clothing:[/b] Domhnall can typically be seen wearing a pair of brown leather boots suitable for trekking and climbing, long neutral-colored pants (of which he carries two extra pairs), and a long shirt, typically green, undyed or light brown (of which he has four extra). Aside of that he has a decent-quality leather vest to protect him from the worst of harm, a backpack for most of his belongings, a belt with two sheathes for knives and a couple of pouches for currency and some other small, frequently needed items respectively. Now, being out of the notably warmer climate of his forested home region, he has also obtained a long dark gray leather coat. In the way of usable weapons (though their primary function lies in hunting and/or everyday activities) he has a pull-level recurve crossbow made of ash wood, leaf-headed iron spear with a shaft made out of oak, and a total of seven different knives. Other miscellany he carries include (and are limited to) fourteen rodlin, twenty seven of the quartz currency used amongst deigan, thirteen coins of six other different currencies, around three dozen crossbow bolts, a block of soap from his homeland, flint and tinder, a sharpening stone for the knives, a two-pronged fork, a spoon, a bowl, a small metal cauldron, a flask of water, ropes of varying thickness, a couple of metal release mecanisms and a handful of metal hooks, a couple of metal objects with indeterminable use, some herbs and spices, a marginal amount of food, blanket/mattress, tent-cloth. [b]Notes on abilities and skills (to be added to upon necessity):[/b] For the duration of the time he lived in his homeland - and largely after the same - he was a hunter; the skills he has today largely derive from the fact. He has had to fight a wild unrestrained animal a couple of times, but has fairly little experience in combating humanoid or otherwise fully sapient beings.