Double post BUT in regard to Sen... [hider=a small anecdote on my difficulty making a character(s) for this RP]I originially wanted my magical character (Matrim) to be a male cleric who would embark on a religious pilgrimage protected by two knights (the idea came from dark souls). However, as I was creating them, they ended up sounding too similar to Setna and Serna (Magically adept person escorted by a physically adept person, originating from a secluded town that allowed magic). My next idea was to have a dancer or bard... though that was too similar to Caelis and Faith... My last idea was an idea I've had for a while but never flew in an RP (a blind young summoner)... yet, it again ran too close to Caelis. Finally, giving up, I decided to go with the Cleric on a pilgrimage. It wasn't difficult for me to create a unique character. The difficultly lay in creating a unique character that I also wanted play. And thus, after spending several hours on deviantart (Im very picky) I found the two female escorts I wanted. Yet when it came time to find a male cleric, I could not, for the life of me, find a suitable match. Like I said, I'm picky, and the image needed to fit, not only the character, but the style of art of the other two images. More hours were spent on searching for an image until I came upon Matrim's image. It was the closest to what I wanted (Look up Rhys from Fire Emblem if you really want to see the image I had in mind). However, this new image, along with the two other images I included, sparked something completely different in my mind. I now knew what images I wanted, but I wasn't sure how to piece them together. Finally, after combining several of the ideas I had earlier in the night, I came up with 3 characters I was happy with. [/hider] Long story short... use something to spark your imagination. Whether it be novels, images, video games, or music. :)