Soul Stumped out the Fire with his Boots as he pulled back up his scarf so it covered his mouth once more. he stared at the hide behind core resting in the runic jar beside him. he had subdued it as the mission requested it looked Frail in that jar. almost like it could be destroyed with a single blow. he looked at it tentatively it was a Creature of evil no doubt about that. Soul Heard a Crack in the Distance as a small Fire Erupted. "magic" Soul Muttered uneasy That fire Could lead more Creatures here it was bright and it radiated life. it was gonna be a magnet to the hide behinds and the other forest dwellers. Soul picked up the runic Jar. the hide behind core was pulsing ominously Soul Cursed Their were more on the way. He took off at a fast paced run Toward the Fire and the person or people who had summoned it. 70,000J did not included fighting a pack of hide behinds. Soul called out in a Whispered Shout "Turn out the Fire Quickly" as the screaming started