Soulless Felt his arm was twisted behind his back dangerously close,to the breaking point his face was openly bleeding. but he was just smiling as he Threw the Girl over the top of his Desk, Across the head of the girl he was torturing who had flopped back onto him. he Threw her aside He was pissed to fuck now, he turned to look at the person with the lock,who was Threatening to throw it. "go on a i dare you Bitch" Soulless Laughed at her his face won't be broken by that thing she would need something a lot bigger. Soulless Picked up his knife as he contemplated to kill or not to Kill the Girl with the lock When he had a better idea. He Throw the knife which pierced her The tops of her Vest And pinned her Towards the wall. As soulless made a almost Drunken stagger towards her His eyes blazing with a crimson hatred he was on his last legs. strong blow would do him in.