[b]"Well, if that's the case, at least this school won't be too boring, right?"[/b] Restu tried to make the possible danger into some sort of joke, though personally she would rather much go without having to deal with psycho slasher for, at the very least, the rest of her life. Seemed like a simple request. [b]"I don't think I've introduced myself, have I? Name's Restu Goroshi."[/b] Soon enough the teacher arrived, some bubbly cat-like person. For some reason that Restu was being too thick headed to understand, the teacher had a cat tail. [b]"So she's one of those types of people..."[/b] She mumbled to herself. Restu was already starting to get bored and dosing off, barely listening to what Ms. Naomi was saying. Restu only caught the tail-end of what she was saying, about their dorms and if they had any questions. Restu raised her hand and had a thought. [b]"I have one Ms. Naomi. Why do you have a tail out?"[/b]