(This post starts back when we were getting on the bus) Victor slowly walked onto the bus holding his tail close with his arms so he didn't hit anyone with it. He sat down as far away from everyone as he could and never spoke to anyone. Suddenly he smelled something, like a sewer or something. He covered his nose and mouth trying not to vomit. Victor sat in silence all the way to the school. He sighed slightly. The only reason he was at this god forsaken school was because he stole a harmonica from a music store and got caught in the process. His foster family got mad and decided school was the best way to punish him. They even made him go back and pay for the harmonica, which now sat in his pocket. He got out and followed all the other students to his homeroom and sat down as far in the back of the class as he could. Victor laid his head in one of his hands and tried not to dose off as Mrs. Namoi told the class about the rules of the school. "This is the most boring school I've ever been too." He quietly muttered to himself and he slammed his head onto his table and groaned in misery.