[center][b]Tai Yang[/b][/center] "I will begin." Tai Yang intoned as they neared the end of their time in class. "When I think of peace, I think of my valley and my home, far away from the hustle and bustle of this world that moves ever forward. When I look at my vision in the most positive light, I see that I believe there are places in this world untouched by the fighting between the strong and weak. Those are the places of peace I seek to protect with my strength. When I look at my vision in the most negative light, I see that I still value my home above the homes of others. Even as I walk the halls of this academy, I must always keep in mind that this place too is worth protecting. It is not my home, but that does not make it any less worthy. That is what I have learned." Tai Yang let that moment hang. "And you two, feel free to express yourself in any way you so wish."