[quote=TheMM00s3] Victor forced an awkward smile nodding slightly. He sat back down and paused for a bit, then he suddenly turned towards Katherin again giving her a curious and wide eyed look. "Hold on," He said quickly, "Are you a Vampire?" He sniffed toward her and gasped, "Holy shit! You're a real vampire!" He stared at her for a bit sniffing around her. He suddenly stopped himself, he let out and awkward laugh and back up sitting in his seat again. "Sorry, I've never met a vampire before. You have an odd smell." [/quote] Katherin laughed at his question. "Yes I am a vampire. A real live vampire." She laughed at her own poor joke. She blushed when he sniffed her. No one had ever sniffed her before. She wasn't sure how to react to this odd behavior. "Umm..is having an odd smell a good thing or a bad thing?"