Amanda titled her head slightly, and watched as his arms moved back to put his hair in a ponytail, almost instantly she bit down her bottom lip, stopping anything stupid from slipping out. ''How old are you exactly? Because men had long hair from way-- I mean way back, so tell me when exactly were you born? Are you guys immortal like vampires too?'' She asked, hopping up on his desk. She giggled. ''Well, glad you could make it here, and teach us, I am sure it will be an interesting semester.'' She said, offering him a soft smile. What he asked next, made the smile off her lips, and she instantly lowered her head. She gulped softly. ''Uhm.'' She mumbled, fiddling with the ends of her sweatshirt slightly. ''Because I have no one else? Because he was the only one to be okay with me being around? I don't really know why, but it was fun having someone around.'' She added, wiping her tear stained face, rubbing her eyes in attempt to stop her self from crying. Jason was smiling the whole time as Avril had a hard time being so close to him, but he didn't comment, and before he could continue his plan by making her uncomfortable. He looked back at her. ''Yes I am very shy, but you also smell-- like a wet dog. It isn't nice, your perfume also interferes with the smell-- It is weird.'' He explained. ''I can find my own food, I can feed off you right now, but your lover, Adam, will end up killing me, so it is not worth it I suppose.'' He added, and finally stopped pacing around. ''Erase that smug look off your face at least I am not an Omega that is traded in between packs, or whatever. At least I don't obey just /any/ alpha.'' He said, almost as if he was scolding.