[quote=1Charak2] Soul felt sick as he wads layed against a tree hisEyes hard from the pain he grimaced. As he clutched his ribs he fumbled around, in the potion poach as he pulled the vial of Greek-FireHe looked up as he smiled a thew the potioj towards the girl.. [/quote] A smile hit the girls face as she shot fire towards the vial, it's contents bursting into flames under the tree's feet. She laughed menacingly as a green flame flew from her hands towards the tree. Red put his hand down, his spell deactivated. He could tell the group could take it on, even with one injured. "come now demon of the forest, feel the wrath of my holy singe and flame of the divine po-" the man was cut off by a smack to his intire body from the treent. perhaps se talked to much. Now sitting next to soulless on a nearby tree he smiled. Laughing at him self as he got up. "fine, I can play thy game, whench of the dark art" the man said coughing before a spell ring appeared. "holy flame magic: sacred flames" where shouted from his mouth as bright white flames shout from the ring towards the beast back.