Everyone took earth for granite, never caring about how much electricity they used, or even how much they were destroying the world. New car, more cars, less walking, more technology… It was too much. A group of scientists called The Eliminators started to work on a secret plan, a plan to destroy the world via the technology. You don’t have to use bombs and war anymore, you can just cut off all communication and electricity and the human race would collapse. 5 pieces of technology were created called an [url=http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x218/mmidnightkitty/amuletfromchainedheat2.png]Amulet[/url] , specifically for the use that if they ever needed to turn electricity back on again, they could. The amulet was something almost magical, as it had the ability to activate electricity within a few feet radius around it. No one but the scientists knew why or how it was made and very few people even knew they existed. A few people (Which we will need in this RP) left The Eliminators, and stole 4 of the 5 amulets that were made, without notice. Then the power went out.. Leaving everyone confused. The scientists, being able to flee freely, took their children and found a new home, but quickly, hell broke lose. Floods (Electronic dams), lack of food and water, war over resources and storms took over the world, making it a death filled wasteland within the first year. People killed for food, killed for warmth and killed because they simply could. 10 years later.. The world has turned into something similar to medieval times, gold and diamonds were the only valuable money (aside from food and weapons) and people were starting up their own mini factions. The government, in secret, was raising a new president that could one day persuade the many small nations into following him and many gangs were rising from the ground. The scientists, who had stolen the amulets were hiding among people, but in their house laid a secret room, a home built computer and the amulet to run it, it was keeping them contacted with the other fled scientists as they worked to get the power back. A group, called The Rebellion were for the people, but the “Government” did not like them, and were sending out groups to try to kill them off. In size, The Rebellion was bigger, but the Government was stronger. One of The Scientists sold himself to the Government, giving them info that the Amulets existed as a way into their leadership. Trying to lead them in the way of the others, if they succeeded in getting two more, they would own enough power to run technology that could let them rule the world under a dictatorship. [b]What the RP needs for characters[/b] --A family, in which we can decided the name after, with one of the scientists in it. The scientist would be about 30-40 and have 2ish kids, maybe three. (Free) --We need a nerdy teen/man who could later in the RP build a computer when an Amulet is found. (Free) --A Rebellion Leader and Rebellion members (can be part of the family, just imagine the parents wouldn’t like it much.) (Protagonists) (Free) --A government Leader. (Antagonists) (Free) --Someone in the family or knows the family who worked for the government but then turned Rebellion (Free) [hider=A Few Things] Few Important things: The RP would basically revolve around the family and it’s friends, The Rebellion and their fight against the Government and The Scientists. I know it seems really planned out, but if I didn’t give some structure then it would become boring quickly without some direction shoving. We'll also need Drug dealers, Food Dealers, Weapon dealers and all that good stuff.[/hider] [hider=Rules] -Length: 1 character = 1-2 paragraph, 2 characters = 3 paragraphs, per post Minimum. -I NEED A CO-GM. I will not start without one, mostly to just help me with keeping up with character creations and when I can't be active (I'm sick a lot.) -Drama = No. :) -Romance is allowed. I'd say keep it on a pg16 level. Kissing, making out, slight nudism (Panties and bra) are allowed. No sex in the RP though. If you want to hook up a character, do it in private and then write in the OOC you hooked them up as a couple or a one night stand so we can keep up to speed. -for now, three post rule. I usually start out with this, and then lower or higher when the RP actually starts. Basically, you have to wait till three people post to post again, this is to control the speed and leaving people behind. -After I accept you, I will make probably make a CS bin so we can keep track of the characters, since I had a problem with that on my other RP. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Alias/Other name: Age: Family: Faction: (Rogue, New world Order, Independent) Occupation before power outage: Occupation now: (Rebellion, Neutral, Government, Scientist in hiding.) Personality: Background: Weapons: (Guns are common, but expensive. The average person would not own too many without the proper connections: [/hider] [hider=Accepted characters] None yet. [/hider]