Okay, so I've done some thinking, trying to remember what we discussed regarding the plot. Elizabeth had lost quite a bit of friends to the disease as I remember, and is living in the hospital together with the rest of the people working there. The streets of San Diego are not very safe after all. We did discuss her getting the disease as well, making her attempts at finding a cure more desperate. She would most likely die, so it would be a rather tragic story. My guy was having an infection, not from the disease but a "normal" infection. He is need of medicine and treatment, and was about to make his way to the hospital, looking for medicines. Maybe he collapses outside of the hospital, and he gets the treatment he needs there. He would be good at surviving, finding supplies etc. There was a generator at the hospital, but it was running low on fuel, so finding more fuel could be a job for my guy. He could gather other kind of supplies as well. As San Diego was supposed to be nuked and thus evacuated, and the infected doesn't usually live that long after they get sick and deranged, the city would be mostly empty and rather eerie. So when one would meet someone in the city they would probably be up to no good? Not much, but it was what I could pull out from the back of my mind. Better than nothing, right?