[i]“Answer with words or answer with your steel. Either way, I am eager to hear your response.”[/i] -Alicia, the Blood Duelist, Page 1. --- [b][center]West Watch Tower[/center][/b] --- As Draza speeds off with Meryl in tow, Maeven opens the detonator and finds an incredible complex set of mechanisms. Given a sufficient amount of time, she could likely understand it, but even at a glance she could tell what it was: Mechanist technology. Within the device she could feel the squirming of a soul, not human, though one couldn't tell if it had at any point been sentient. A device this small and simple wouldn't require a complex soul: Any living animal would do, really. Perhaps even certain, extremely complex plants. As Aëyr joins Draza in her hasty retreat, taking Gustavo with her, she would hear Gustavo chuckle as he looked at Meryl, a slight, upward curve to the corners of his lips. [b]"Really..."[/b] He mutters as he looks to Aëyr. She would finally be able to notice a red tinge to his skin, that alone might be enough to give away his birthright, given the circumstances. [b]"You can tell your little friend she's dragging a doll anytime now."[/b] The lifeless illusion that followed after Draza stuck her tongue out at Gustavo. [b]"You ruin all my fun!"[/b] Meanwhile, Meryl appears beside Maeven, a small, black vial in hand. It was lighter fluid of some sort. [b]"No explosion without this! Dirge said so."[/b] She says with a wild, mischievous grin. [b]"Bomb is over there!"[/b] Pointing at the top of the outpost, one could see the crystals and the inactive bomb, partially disassembled. It would be of no harm to anyone. [b]"No booms!"[/b] Throwing the vial into the air she points at it, and the fluid inside lights and explodes, shattering the glass around it. A small shard cuts Maeven's cheek, though only superficially. Meryl jumps in shock, then sees the blood rolling down her cheek. [b]"... O-Oh, I damaged, sorry."[/b] Meryl says, with a surprising amount of genuine regret in her voice. With the bomb defused and foes eliminated or captured, that left this area clear of any threat, as well. [center][b]Mission Complete[/b].[/center] --- [b][center]Raven's Inn[/center][/b] --- As Nadira slowly fiddles with the bomb, removing the eye, the bomb shuddered, but didn't explode. The moment of truth came as she removed the second crystal, a white, searing bright light enveloped her and her brother, as well as the others just outside of the tower. Yet, no pain followed, and as the blinding light dimmed, they would see themselves inside a large Inn. The sabre tooth cat was there as well, it had apparently been keeping guard over the villagers, though as it awoke, it was no longer nearly as aggressive as it was before. Stretching out, he looks at the Adonai twins and seems to get a sheepish grin, exposing his sharp teeth before looking back at Murderok and Gryff, whimpering at his plight of having both hind legs held against his will. The villagers inside the Inn seem to sigh collectively in relief as the militia burst through the front door. Seeing their friends and families safe, warm embraces were shared, as well as laughter and unbridled, pure joy in their every movement. They had done well. Mikan slips away from the side of the sabre tooth. Pecking Aslo on the cheek, she smiles flirtatiously. [b]"Well done..."[/b] Looking to Gryff and Murderok she places her hands on her hips, somewhat annoyed with them. [b]"You can stop posturing now, I'm sure you're both big and all that... But you know... Ladies prefer men who know how to use them."[/b] Her eyes then wander over to the Adonai twins, a slight smirk crosses her lips looking them over. [b]"Twins... Well, you both seemed to do well together. Nobody dies... Everyone goes home."[/b] Pulling out a dagger she twirls it dexterously around her hand for a moment, as a display of skill, before sheathing it again. [b]"You're all welcome members of the Blades. I'll be sure to pass my compliments to the Queens... Speaking of, we should go see them. They should be by the lake. If not, they're already heading back to the capital."[/b] With that said, she moves quickly to the door, and winks one more time towards Aslo, before slipping outside. [center][b]Mission Complete[/b].[/center] --- [b][center]Lakeside Rendezvous[/center][/b] --- At the lakeside, Kouri merely observed the scene that went on before her. Kasim admiring her garnered no real response beyond her shaking her head and muttering something about the infatuations of youth, though she didn't seem too bothered by it, either. Likely she was used to having men, and some women, admiring her where she went, and learned how to deal with it a long time ago. Albeit, Kasim's braggart attitude reminded her all too much of the many knights that tried the same when she was just a princess, and even some still to this day, who think two wives aren't... [i]Capable[/i], of bringing tools to the city gates. Alas. What little they knew. Still. Alicia's belittling of him was taken way too far. Granted, Kasim's boasting was liable to be incorrect, but then, if that was incorrect, this was plainly stupefying. If this Alicia had any class as her bloodline claimed, it must have been entirely lost on her. Such a shame as it were: There were plenty enough wolves who hid in sheep's clothing, but she wasn't able to be particularly picky about who she could pick. There was no sense in throwing her away now, even if her arrogance was perhaps even greater than that of the man who just eyed her like a child would in a candy shop. Then Zayn spoke, and was actually attempting to be helpful. Before Kouri could respond, however, Alex disciplined Kasim and Alicia. There was a small smile that greeted Kouri's lips, as her facial expression softened when Alex finally thanked them all for their help. Looking between the two, at this point, she felt she had to add something herself, even if her wife had summed up what she had been thinking. [b]"Kasim, in the future, work with your compatriots. There is more honour and glory to be had in coming home knowing nobody died than in doing the same and having to explain to those you wish to win over, why it is that others they had hoped to see alive, are instead now feeding the carrion."[/b] She then turns her attention to Alicia, holding an almost special amount of annoyance towards her. [b]"You come from a noble bloodline. Either renounce it or behave properly. You will not get special privileges by behaving like a drunken, abusive parent."[/b] Finally, she could address Zayn as Zin, Rayvon, and Abida reach the area. Nodding appreciatively, she looks back to the kobold. [b]"You heard what it said. James is long gone. We'll have to wait until scouts can confirm whatever he fesses up before we send you."[/b] She then looks back to the Queen's Blades, at least, those that were present. [b]"Seeing as how the danger may not be contained just to this town, I will be brief, and I will inform the rest of your comrades when I can reach them. You've all been selected because you all bring some sort of special quality, identified either by Sarah Darkhammer or Amanda the Archmage. Maybe you are social butterflies, maybe you are warriors, maybe you are simply capable of doing what most of my morally ironclad knights could not. Regardless, you are the last line of defense against corruption. Your goal is quite simple: To serve the royalty of Renalta. To this end you will root out agents of the Nine Hells, and assist the other nations where possible in doing so, to secure alliances with us, or preserve existing ones. You are to gain as much power as you possible can muster, in men or magic, and when the time comes, bring it to bear against the incoming invasion. If you are successful, we will see through this long night. If you are not..."[/b] She motions around the area, the grassy hills, tranquil town upset by violence, the crystal clear lake they stood beside. [b]"...Everything you see here, everything you knew, know, and will come to know... Will be consumed."[/b] She looks at Kasim. [b]"All the women and glory..."[/b] Then to Alicia. [b]"... Even those immortal, and civility..."[/b] Her eyes then move to Zayn. [b]"Even concepts like freedom, even your lives... Everything will be lost if you fail. To that end, if you need anything, you need only ask, and we will see if we can get it for you. Manpower, magic... You will also have at your disposal the best tutors the world has ever seen. You will grow and master abilities faster than most could even imagine."[/b] Finally, she takes a deep breath, and sighs. [b]"I wish you all luck, in your future troubles... Now. When you are finished with your business here, head to the stables and get a horse or riding lizard. Then down the southern road, back to the capital. In a week's time, there will be a ball, with important figures from all across this continent there... Be there. Beyond that, your time is yours to do with as you please for the week."[/b] Kouri makes a quick motion to Dean, pointing in the direction of the capital he picked up on it and dutifully started dragging the Kobold over to the stables. [b]"Oh, and..."[/b] Kouri turns and looks at Alicia and Kasim. [b]"... You are figures representing the political body of Renalta. Remember that."[/b] She then leaves towards the centre of town, likely to try and catch the rest of the Queen's Blades. Alex follows her, and the two subconsciously go hand in hand, keeping each other close in such troubling times. --- [b][center]Transitions[/center][/b] --- [Refer to OOC]