It's only inspired by the aesthetic I got from playing the Destiny Beta, this is not meant to take place in the same world, nor is it meant to be a copy. There are six elements, divided into three Realms. The Earth contains the elements of Earth and Water. Together, they make life. The Sky contains the elements of Air and Fire. Together, they are the storm. Space contains the elements of Void and Sun. From them comes all matter. Those who draw their power from the Realm of Earth are Knights. Masters of their own bodies. Earth is their strength, Water is their skill. Those who draw their power from the Realm of the Sky are Monks. Masters of their own spirits. Air is their peace, but Fire is their passion. Those who draw their power from the Realm of Space are The Ascendant. Masters of reality. They carry the Sun, but will fade into the Void. Okay, real talk time. I haven't decided too much on the world as a whole, but it is shaped by the three "classes" that exist in it. The thing to remember about them is that they aren't necessarily cookie-cutter archetypes. Knights aren't all big armored lugs, and Monks aren't all pacifists who speak in riddles. They are merely those who follow the elements of their chosen Realm. A skilled martial artist is just as much a Knight as an armored swordsman. In this world, heroes are chosen at random, at a young age. Taken from their mothers before they can speak, and raised in the Heroes Consortium, an organization run by the respective heads of the Knights, Monks and Ascendants, and dedicated to the continued preservation of humanity. By the time the young Heroes reach puberty, the Realms start to argue over them. Each wants as many new members as they can justify taking, and they will use whatever means they can to ensure that their force is the strongest. The Knights want glory, the Monks truly believe their path is the right one, and the Ascendant simply always need to replenish their ranks. In addition to the literal interpretations of the various elements, they also have attributes of their own. Earth: Strength, solidity, permanence. Water: Precision, skill, luck. Together, they make life, whose applications are obvious. Knights focus their powers into their own bodies, to make themselves unbeatable in battle. Air: Freedom, speed, change. Fire: Passion, power, the spirit. Together they make the Storm. A force that can't be controlled easily, and which brings unpredictable change. Sun: The power of a star, fusion. Radation. Scorching heat and blinding light. Void: Nothing. Absence. Bitter cold and deafening silence. While their Sun powers are radioactive, their Void powers can absorb it safely. When brought together, they can form new matter. An adept could recreate a diamond, but young Ascendants find that they can only create shadowy imitations of solid matter which will sublimate after time. The ultimate expression of the Ascendant's power is for them to Ascend. To fade away and join the cosmos. This is why they are so few in number. The Ascendant closest to this goal is considered the Master of their order. The Knights and Monks criticize this practice, as the Master is constantly being replaced, sometimes multiple times a year. The Ascendant's argue that those closest to Ascension would give the same orders anyway. Young Ascendants are encouraged to weave Earth into their first Raiment. To anchor them so that they don't fade away while still learning to control their powers. The elements are present in the world as crystals, which can be woven into various materials to make the Raiments that are responsible for the powers of Heroes. A Knight would weave Earth into armored plates, and water into a cape or a sigil. The Raiment is the set of clothes that a Hero wears. As they bear them, they gain affinity over time, and become more attached to the elements they chose. The greater the affinity, the greater their power. I hope this isn't too much of a confusing mess, they are all thoughts from work. If you have any questions, I can answer them.