Nyima walked over to him and placed her hands on her hips. She looked up at him, "I may be weak and I may need help but I'm not a charity case. I'm going to pay you back, whether it be with money or doing things around your place. And you don't have much of a choice," she smiled at him, "I'll have dinner ready for seven." She walked passed him and into her room. She grabbed her coat and pulled it on before coming back out. She nodded to him, "I'm going to go now... Get as much done before it gets dark and you are back." She smiled at him, "I'll see you when you get home. And I promise not to get killed while I'm out." She laughed a little and waved before she left. He stood there obviously stunned. He shook his head and went about getting ready for work. Which didn't take long he then walked out the door grabbing his metal staff and throwing it over his back in its sheath. The day went by fairly I eventful till he was on his way home. He noticed a group of men walking and laughing. He recognized few of them... It helped with bandages and bruised faces. He decided to follow them and mop up the rest of them..: he never got the airbender. From two nights ago. He moved closer and when they moved to an ally he struck. There were four guys, two of them were instantly dropped as he pulled his metal staff, broken in two for carry, and flung them into the backs of the two thugs. The next two spun around and after gaining their barings the one on the left rushed him while the second blasted him with air. Which he was ready for as he stomped the ground and a thin wall of rock shot up, shielding him from it and forcing the first to go around it at which he punched right when he came around in the diaphragm. Breaking four ribs. He then used his opposite elbow to uppercut him in the chin. Knocking him out. He then ran up a wall dodging debris thrown at him. He took three steps and jumped off, ripping off bricks ith his hands and threw them at the airbender, who easily deflected it. But it gave him time to get closer. The two punched and kicked at each other, blocking each other's moves. This airbender was better than the average airbenders. They where able to knock each other around, slamming each other into dumpsters and walls. But finally he got the upper hand and slammed the airbender in the stomach with a quick jab with his knee. Sirens blared during the fight obviously they were alerted. He gritted his teath wanting to kill this one but he couldn't as they pulled up.... Wouldn't look good. He placed some hand cuffs on the man and pulled him up and said as the other officers came running. "These guys attempted to mug and rape a woman a few nights ago... Make sure they get back to the building..." He picked up his two metal bars as one of the officers said. " Dang sir, who was your Sensei? " He shoved His staff back into his sheath and said as he began to walk out of the ally. "No one.." He then made his way back home as he whipsd the blood off from his face wounds.