Jordan’s eyes raised up as she regarded the unfamiliar man addressing her, lowering her sack to the counter. She gave him a smile. “Hell, I’ve been looking for people to bring along. I’m hoping you won’t have to use your rifle too much, though.” She extended a hand to shake. “Dr. Jordan Palmer. I’ve been going out into that big blast zone out up on the outskirts of New Vegas for scientific study of all the new and evolved creatures that have been popping up like crazy from the radiation. I—“ She paused upon the entry of another person, and her eyes followed him his entire journey up to the counter. "I..." He was probably the third most gorgeous thing she’d seen all week. Skin hiding a thousand layers of roughness, textured, rotting in a thousand beautiful ways. She hadn’t seen a single sane ghoul since she’d left for the wastes earlier before, and the sight was truly a blessing. Hair! A full head of it! From what she could tell, it looked real. Wigs were rare in the wastes, why would he bother to have one? Perhaps he cared about his appearance? Damn, did it show. Shit, he was leaving! “Uh, sorry, one second, uh, Dyl, sir.” She released the handshake quickly and followed after the ghoul with an urgently excited hop in her step. “Hey, uh—Terry! Your name’s Terry, right?” She approached him quickly, waving. “Hi! You’ve got a blunt axe?” As she spoke, she gave him a barely-subtle once-over. “My pa’s got a shop down a couple blocks. He’s a repairman, he could get that sharpened right up for cheap.” She extended a hand for him to shake, rushing forward with a wave of…friendliness. “Dr. Jordan Palmer, call me Jordan. I’ll make sure you get a discount.” Her words were coming a little quicker. Her hand shivered just slightly at the commotion. “Pa's great at what he does, a real craftsman. You said you had to protect yourself ‘out there’? Have you been going into the wastes? Exploring that big old blast zone? Hey, me too! You know, I’ve been looking around for some extra hands, and you sure look like you know your way around a weapon. What do you say?”