Dylan chuckled to himself with a smile as the doctor began to ramble on and on, not leaving much room for him to respond. He shook her hand as it was offered, it's only polite and it didn't have a weapon in it. When she just stopped mid-sentence, her eyes followed the man up to the counter.....no, the Ghoul up to the counter, Dylan began to pay attention to the Ghoul as well. Mick can be gruff sometimes, but Dylan has never seen him turn away caps, no matter what the customer was like. Apparently Mick and Ralph had issues with Ghouls. Huh, interesting. Then the doctor said that she was leaving, and like a gust of wind, she was out and following the ghoul. Odd that she would leave her bag and not finish up her shopping. So, being the semi-good Samaritan, Dylan finished up her shopping, paying with his own caps. He picked up some extra ammunition for himself as well as for the doctor's plasma rifle. Hell, even a bit of 10mm ammunition, because it looked like the Doctor may have recruited someone else to go with us and the Ghoul had one on his belt. He'd be good going towards the blast zone. After he paid for the supplies, Dylan walked out of Mick & Ralph's. He sat down outside, pulled out a toothpick and tossed it into his mouth, and began to chew. He kicked up his feet and plopped them down into another chair and began to work on his rifle. Clean....Check. Optics straight.....Check. Loaded....Check.