May Weed. It seemed to be quite peaceful area. The people were going at their things, mostly with smiles, some with frowns. It was so appeasing, at least for the elf of the desert. These wooded areas with small communities were so different from the vast lands of the Aavikkanians… There was no constant fight and search for survival. Elrithos was probably exaggerating a little bit now, since these times were better for his kind. The desert elves had finally managed their way back north of the desert, settling into their more promising lands for any kind of agriculture and trades with the kingdoms up north, pass the mountains. Time was given them back their gift of a second chance.

Elrithos had come into the village two days before the time they were asked to arrive. To say he had fallen onto this offer by pure luck, while visiting some friends from the elven forests. One of his friends had received this offer and when it spoke of the other continent, Elrithos knew it was maybe time to see what has happened with their home land and their rivals. And so, with the help of one of the elves, he was brought to this town for the offer. He could not spit on this opportunity to finally have an idea on what was going on over there. The council would also surely be quite happy with this offer, both of wealth and of interest.

That morning of the reunion, he spent it with the company of Lissandra, an elven woman who he had met years ago, before the war had even started with the Dark Emperor. Quite a friendship they had developed, one that distance would never break. Sitting amongst the people of the Flower Gin Inn, at their own table, they were discussing of this departure with light heart.

Elrithos took another swig of the lake water this village collected. He had to say, it was not as good as the oasis in the desert, but not too far. His smile didn’t fade away as he spoke to Liss, his voice quite odd for an elf… Much deeper and not as soothing as those of the Wood elves. [b]“This journey is a calling Lissandra, one that my people have been waiting for a long time.”[/b]

The elven lady had this gentle, light expression of joie in her face as the finger ran along the mug covered in flower paintings. The voice of this elf was so much more melodic and soft. [b]“It is a shame to see you go Quicksilver. My village will miss your visits.”[/b]

Elrithos shook his head, laying back into his chair. [b]“I will be coming back. I simply won’t be coming back so soon. This journey cannot be any more dangerous than what I have been doing for 200 years.”[/b]

[b]“Come back in one piece, friend. It would be a shame to see you go so young.”[/b] They both laughed lightly as they drank from their mugs, making a toast to his well-being. It was shortly after that they heard the name of the man who offered the deal, both of the elves turning their heads towards the new arrival. A young man, dressed like a warrior of the road. Elrithos finished his mug and laid it on the table, pulling out a few coins of the kingdom for the meal and expenses for the day. [b]“It is time my dear friend. Good luck with your people.”[/b]

Both got up and embraced each other, then came to a solid handshake. [b]“Come back Quicksilver. I want to see you again.”[/b] Elrithos simply nodded his head. It was good enough for the elven lady before she said her goodbyes and walked off from the Inn. The Aavikanian him went up to his room that he had paid for the past two nights to gather his supplies and equipment. He started by a change of clothes, putting back a thicker version of the long beige pants and white tunics of his people. He then arranged to put his Aavi Steel chainmail upon himself. It looked harder than it actually is to do. It weighed much less than its common steel counterpart and was slightly more durable and resistant to rust. He packed the rest up, putting the Elven Longblades back onto his belt and his Aavikanian double Scimitar on a leather strap going across his back.

He proceeded back down to the main room and handed back they keys with a greatly thanks to the Inn keeper. It would be the start of a new journey. One he would surely appreciate. He made his way to the back of the Inn, as noted earlier by the bartender. He made it through the door, but stopped right after, looking upon a scene with a slight disappointment. He could see Rudolf, the merchant who asked for them. He didn’t know him personally, but the Inn Keeper had informed him a little on the dwarven man. He was arguing with a young human, the warrior of the road he had seen earlier… He could hear the insults going back and forth, with a lady trying to break it up. 

Elrithos approached them slowly, a calm but pleasant expression on his face. He came up to both of them, a few feet away in sign of respect and not wanting to really butt in too much. [b]“Please! Why must you insult one another like this?”[/b] His tone was very stern but nothing authority. It was more a demand as someone who simply did not wish to see this. [b]“I would imagine we would have to travel this long journey together, so such behavior would certainly bring nothing but misery.”[/b]

Hoping that this has helped in calming the situation down, he bowed lightly towards the three of them, speaking more lightly to present himself.[b] “I am Elrithos Quicksilver. I was hoping that I could join along in this journey to the other continent.”[/b] The brown haired Aavikanian straightened himself to come closer and offer a firm handshake to each of them. He simply wished that this fight would just move on and that they could discuss in a more enjoyable way.


A chance to let his creations be known to the world… Vordan simply couldn’t believe he would have a chance to actually do so without the fear of being executed or worse. It wasn’t easy to be one with magical abilities that are looked down upon in most of these kingdoms. In a way, he could understand the fear and misconception of this power. The Dark Emperor had made magic the bane of this existence, like a curse on mortal beings. Simply, he believed that that time was far ago and that they could move on and just control those who wield the magic instead of getting rid of them in any way possible. He could appreciate how the Kingdom of Ellahur went to remove all the mages, even though it was a shameful waste of talent and utility. If only times could change…

The mercenary had been given a ride with some merchants that had been heading for this town of May Weed. A much appreciated gesture of their part, one that he had compensated them with a few coins. It was easy travels to this part of the kingdom… The day he laid his eyes upon the letter, he jumped on the occasion to find this caravan and merchant and move on with a new life! The joys of simply making his magic infused items and sell them for those in need were remarkable. He had never done it before, but he could simply imagine this being so great. A new life, a new way of seeing things. Wonderful.

The wagon had rolled into the town market and Vordan got off, thanking the merchants for the ride. He waved at them for the goodbyes and then went off to find the Inn where he had to meet up with this group. He had made sure to keep his six-shot crossbow hidden in a rolled up sheet of soft fabric hanging from his backpack. Without any tasks or work, it didn’t need to be out in the open for someone to start interrogating him about it. He didn’t know what they did to the mages in these regions, but he would not take the chance to find out.

He made a few stops to a few merchant’s stalls, buying materials that most would never associate together, but were all plans and schematics that were going through the Maker’s head. He would be able to craft new items with the stuff he found around this area… But he wondered if he would ever have the time to do so now. If he would be traveling with people, he wouldn’t be alone for very long. He would see, maybe they won’t mind too much after a while.

Once his supplies and materials were up to par, he searched the town for the Inn, found it within minutes of looking around. What a nice looking place and lovely looking town. He would have enjoyed staying a little, but hey, duty called! With that, he made his way inside, seeing the few men around simply going to their things… He was about to ask to meet this Rudolf guy, but the bartender was quicker on the trigger and answered his question.

[b]“He’s in the back.” [/b]Vordan thought he probably looked the part of a mercenary and traveler, so then the man had probably known of his comings that day. Vordan smiled and nodded his head, going towards the back from the front door… He moved along around the building and arrived, didn’t say anything as he approached with a simple smile. There were a few people… Probably at the right place, seeing those around. What surprise awaited him now?