[hider=Appearance :]
Name : Aaliyah Rivera
Age : 17
Skill : A decent cook and Quick on her feet, Motherly instincts, First aid and training nurse.
Weapon (up three):1x Pocket knife, Tomahawk axe with nylon sheath.
Personality : Aaliyah is a generally calm person, she doesn't like confrontation, but can handle it, preferring to use words instead of physical violence. She's very patient and generally forthcoming, though she seems to know more than she lets on. She is friendly and Sympathetic to others and is one to give second chances. She comes across as confident and social, she places her trust in others who earn it as she is not completely naive. Despite all of this she can be bad tempered though its a rare occurrence.
Brief Bio : There was nothing out of the ordinary for Aaliyah prior to the outbreak, She was a little rebellious to her parents and enjoyed going out clubbing and spending time out with friends in her spare time as most students would but always did look after her little brother, Aaliyah was a part time waitress while studying medical science. 

[hider=Appearance :]
Name : Imogen Woods
Age : 24
Skill : Has photographic memory, She's good at keeping track of inventory, resourceful and pretty dam good with a crossbow. 
Weapon (up three): 1x Crossbow with additional arrows, Bolo Machete., 9mm Berretta. 
Personality : Imogen is a pretty confident individual, She is a very outgoing person who can be a little careless at times,This can lead her into troublesome scenarios. Of course she can get angered when pushed enough but actually can be a approachable person considering herself to be open and honest to those that earn it. Imogen is one of those individuals that hates to let people close down and wont hesitate to speak her mind or let her feelings on subjects be know but depending on the sensitivity of it, She is really driven and will push herself hard to survive but that does not mean she is without compassion and can be a little sensitive at times. 
Brief Bio : Imogen was a former stock manager of a convenient store and engaged to her long term boyfriend who was serving in the Navy, She was at loggerheads with her family prior to the outbreak which did not end on good terms.