Nyima had managed to speak with the woman that afternoon. She not only offered her a job at the stall, since she had a clear understanding of the wares, but she also told her that her son would be more than happy to help her with her water bending training. Nyima had given her a hug and asked if she could stick around a little and learn the shop and what she would need to do. When it was time to go home, Nyima waved good by and returned to Rayn's apartment. She did a bit of searching and managed to find enough food and the necessities to make dinner. Then she went and practiced it. As the time crept toward seven, she stopped and began to make dinner. She made seaweed stew with seaweed noodles and felt that it might be slightly bland in comparison to what Republic City had to offer. However, it was all that she really knew how it make. The food of the Water Tribe. She was lucky that she knew how to make the noodles. It was a little after seven that Rayn came it. She looked at him and smiled. However, the smile fell when she noticed the cuts and bruises on his face, "Rayn..." She ran the water from the sink over her hand, gathering it around it. She took hold of his arm and sat him down, ignoring all and any protests. The water spread over both of her hands. She smirked, "You know, when I offered to heal you as part of my payment back to you, I didn't think I would have to do so so soon." She shook her head as the water started to glow and she ran her hands over his face gently, "I found a teacher... It is the woman at the booth's son. She also offered to give me work there. I start work with her tomorrow and I start training with him soon after. Apparently, some of their wares are water bended, so I can work while he teaches me." She grinned at him as finished with his last bruise, "There you go... Dinner is on the stove. Seaweed stew with seaweed noodles. I'll try to learn more recipes... but I only really know Northern and Southern Water Tribe ones right now."