[img]http://i.imgur.com/QC7kDwH.png[/img] [b][u]The Academy of the Arts - Performance Hall[/u][/b] Jay was getting a little sick of the air mage throwing him about by now, as he landed pretty much perfectly on one of the seats. Shame the speed he was going meant he bounced right off it again, rubbing his backside as he went. He looked up. Well, maybe he hadn't been that unlucky, that girl with the metal arm was here. He certainly wasn't going to complain about her. He crouched back within the chairs, guaging whether she had seen where he had landed or not. She certainly looked like she knew he was nearby, but she wasn't looking right at him. And the girl who could track people didn't seem to be nearby either. Bingo. He touched his fingers to his comms to communicate with Frances-chan, whispering as he kept it as short as he could. He just didn't have time to explain. "A lot of them have powerful magics, be careful my dear." He moved quickly and silently forwards, finally emerging as Xan was looking the other way. He quickly shuffled behind her. Then he very quickly checked her pockets, his deft, skilled fingers completely undetected. Of course, his skills weren't too much use in a situation like this. Great for disarming people who are unaware, but when everyone's on red-alert and weapons drawn like this? He sure fucked up this one. There was nothing of any significance there, other than her communications device. Her arm must be her solo weapon then. Great, no hidden suprises. Okay then. Take her down. He removed a drug-soaked cloth from his pocket. He suddenly seized her prosthetic with one hand from behind, and already had his second hand - cloth in his grasp - moving quickly towards her face. "I'm sorry about this gorgeous..." --- [img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]The Academy of the Arts - Outer Theatrical hall[/u][/b] "Oof!" Moira was sent flying. She felt her blood begin to boil. She was having one hell of a shitty day and she did not like it in the slightest. Meanwhile, Syed's face was an absolute picture of suprise and dismay as he found not one, but [i]both[/i] thieves leaping for him. The lights flickered for a second. Thankfully his teammates had his back. That didn't stop the kid though, who had... a metal rod?! And looked upset as hell to boot. Seemed he had hit a nerve. "Nobody's questioning your abilities-" Syed's expression of dismay only became [i]worse[/i]. First Nikki, and now this kid! "What are you doing?!" he exclaimed, dodging backwards. There was no way he could keep dodging this though. Not without dropping the spell which kept the lights up at least. That pole was long as heck, and he had a very limited amount of space he was able to move in. But he couldn't... he couldn't let him... "If that thing touches me it'll hurt [i]you![/i]" Moira meanwhile had her eyes on only one man. Ohhhhh this was IT! She leapt forward once more, taking advantage of Estelle's attack. This man was fast, he was good. But hell, someone sweeping at your legs would distract almost anyone. She didn't draw her greatsword, for the same reason as Estelle struck with the blunt side of hers. Instead she drew back a fist, focused all her power... then drove it right into the man's side. "Never take your eyes off the Berserker, arsehole!"