[img= http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png] [b][u] Aliquam: Academy of the Arts: Northern Section: Theatrical Hall[/b][/u] Trixie had been sent flying, closely followed by Xan. Aria stayed back, not wanting to be sent flying as the other two had been. A pained roar from the bear was echoed by the summoner, the flash and having brought spots to Aria's vision even at this distance, and she blinked as the Phantom stepped off the stage and headed for her. She eyes the thin slash on his chest, feeling rather proud of Xan before shifting her gaze back up at the man. Blood was starting to seep around the edges of his fancy outfit, and she garnered that he probably wasn't too happy about that. Her gaze shifted back up to the approaching thief, moving back slightly and taking a loose stance so she could both attack or defend in an instant if she needed to. When he got close enough to attack, a small illusion should be able to distract him, even for a moment, so that she or any if her teammates could strike. She stood her ground, eyes narrowed and staring the blondie down silently.