[img=http://i.imgur.com/t9SKBzc.png] [b][u]Aliquam: The Academy of the Arts - Southern Section[/b][/u] Amy gave the aristocrat a look of concern before rising back to her feet, the golden light embracing all of their bodies dimming, replaced by the silver of the moon. "All right." She looked to Sebastian next; as much as she would have offered to help bring Rose with her, the thought of leaving Sebastian vulnerable in this hallway while he was still recovering would have pained them both. "Looks like he'll take a bit longer to recover from his position, but with my help, he should be just fine." She motioned to Rose's communicator with her staff before turning away. "You know how to reach us." Then she ran off. She wanted to stay behind to help bring Rose to full recovery, but at this rate more of her other allies would fall if she stayed behind - and that was not a risk she was willing to take. Amy skid to a stop just a ways away from the theater doors. Just in time to see Moira land a punch in the tall thief's side. Geez... From where she stood, she could see all four of the guilders outside, and since no one out here seemed visibly injured, she decided to focus on buffing their defenses to prevent that possibility. Syed and Estelle soon found themselves embraced by a warm green light, and a sense of renewed vigor. --- [img=http://i.imgur.com/cfQzJva.png] [b][u]Aliquam: Academy of the Arts - Northern Sector (Theatre Hall)[/b][/u] [i]"Are you injured?"[/i] "Just my pride, ma'am." Angel dusted himself as he rose to his feet. "But I--" A loud roar cut him off, throwing anyone nearby off balance from its suddenness. A bear. A bear!? "Geez, you guys have [i]everything[/i] at your arsenal! That's pretty neat!" Immediately Xandra followed after it, with her prosthetic arm morphing into a sword-like shape - which was just as neat. Wow. He rescinded what he said about magic not being a form of art. He meant to follow after Xandra, but by the time he got going, she and the gun-toting child had flown off. Angel merely watched them fly overhead like they were birds. With the three men on stage and this guilder beauty beside him left to face the leader, he decided to hightail it to the back, where Jay had been thrown, just before the Masked Phantom's flashbang had gone off. Perfect timing there. Angel reached Jay and Xandra's position just in time to see the thief sneaking up behind the unaware metallurgist, and snatching her arm. "Oh no, you don't!" Like a rugby player, the aristocrat leapt after the duo, crashing right into Jay's back and knocking down both of them in a domino effect. Meanwhile-- [img=http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] "Aaaaaahhh!" Trixie wailed as she flew through the air from a sudden gust of wind. What the heck!? None of the windows were open! Or was this guy like Marcus? Ohhh, that would make a lot of sen-- "Ooph!" The prankster landed in one of the seats far away from the stage, her butt on the back seat cushion and her back on the butt cushion. Her head lulled a bit, dazed, but she quickly shook off the confusion and flopped out of her chair and into battle position. Before she could get herself out of there, another dull thump sounded off nearby her - a lady thief. To make matters worse, she had dropped her guns during the flight; they were lying in the open down the middle aisle. Oh butterbiscuits! She couldn't let this lady get the upper-hand. Immediately Trixie reached for something in her pouch - "Let's see what this one does!" - and chucked it at Francesca's face. It was one of Fabian's confetti bombs she had stolen from him. As soon as she made the throw, the prankster dashed for the middle aisles to retrieve her uzis.