Terry looked up, surprised by the woman's sudden approach. He lowered his Nuka-Cola, wiping a bit of stray soda from his face, splashed up from his sudden reaction. "Yeah, the names Terry. Nice of you to offer, but I think my axe'll do as is. Prefer to not use it, I'm sure you understand." He responded, his gravelly voice kept slightly lower than usual. "Yeah, I've been scoping out that blast zone. Not many people can go in as easy as I can, and there's some pretty good shit in there, once you get past the nasties." He said. He shot a nervous look around as he noticed the other two. It wasn't unheard of for thieves to get someone to go on a little 'trip' with them, before leaving them in the Mojave with a hole in their head. Surely this doctor- what was it? Palmer? Surely she wasn't the murdering kind? She seemed far too innocent and happy for that. But of course, there was the man she had been talking to in the store. He looked to be the kind of man who knew just about everything there was to know about guns- including how to put a bullet between your eyes. There was another man, who spoke up as Terry looked him over, trying to get a good read. "Quite the little team you're putting together. You all just meet? Seems like a pretty... Interesting coincidence." Terry said, his hand brushing down by his SMG. To distract from the rather obvious motion, he took a large swig of his Nuka-Cola, raising it quickly so as to catch as much attention as he could.