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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Whose vassals are next?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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King Solterra My Kingdom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Flooby Badoop said
I do see what you're saying, but the way the game needs to work, each fief needs to have its own manor. You're absolutely right in that castles would protect over a large amount of land, and I had thought about putting up restrictions as such, but as it's impossible to know exactly how everyone's land is going to be made up, or where I'll need to fit them on the map, it really wouldn't be fair to restrict your castles. Thus, each fief can have its own castle.The history would focus solely on the lordships and politics. Minor House details wouldn't come into it.

I do consider my Forts and Outposts as minor, not castles, they are merely border patrol and protection.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nobody is next. I need to look over Ulster's sheet, which I'll do tomorrow morning/afternoon. After I get the deets worked out with him, I'll look over everyone else's sheets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm almost done, Flooby, just stuck on the optional concerns. Can I PM you the application and you tell me the problem with it, please?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sadko said
I'm almost done, Flooby, just stuck on the optional concerns. Can I PM you the application and you tell me the problem with it, please?

Sure. Can't seem to get a wink tonight. Hot as hell these days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@ ulsterwarrior: Need to triple-check this, but two counts say that you still have one more point to spend. You also called the Overlord the Overseer once. Also, I know it was on your kindle, but if you ever get the chance, some paragraph-spacing would be nice. Right now, it takes some effort to distinguish between fiefs.

I'm thinking of letting people spend their starting points on bullis to start the game with, since I think three people have asked for that now. It'd have to be balanced: it's not like with mercenaries, where they kind of need their points to take them far.

I mean, one point can buy you a basic scrubland fief, and that'll give you a recurring income of 3,000 each annum, so perhaps that one point could be used to give you that income for two annums? That way, the point expense can be justified, because you're getting two annums worth of income right now, instead of having to wait for it, while sacrificing having a larger income in the long run.

That's my logic right now, but I'll have a final answer in the 'morrow.

EDIT: @jiwon, you're good to go. The population of that third town is missing, so I assumed it was 1,000, as that's the only population it could be without your points being over 100.

@ So Boerd: Are you waiting on your vassals before you do your military? I can add you to the accepted list, and do your vassals, since I trust your future math to be correct.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Also, Flooby, it'd be lovely if my vassals also have fiefs with grim, gothic names. And coat of arms with the themes of Angels, Crows, Ships, all that. :-) Still, be free to surprise me! :-))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sorry about not really getting to post the merc sheet, havne't found time

Just gonna place a placeholder here

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Y'all have such small families...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I will update a new NS in a little bit. I am changing a few things, regarding my military. And I am perfectly fine with converting points into bullis. Should I factor that into my new military sheet?
And So Boerd, I have like eight family members and a few courtiers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

ulsterwarrior said
I will update a new NS in a little bit. I am changing a few things, regarding my military. And I am perfectly fine with converting points into bullis. Should I factor that into my new military sheet?And So Boerd, I have like eight family members and a few courtiers.

I'll say you can spend 1 point to earn 5,000 bullis in starting cash. You can use this starting cash to buy more equipment, and it will carry over to the bullis you start with. I'll update the rules when I have the time. They're in need of one rather badly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Can we only spend 1 point in total, or if we have more than one we can use them all up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

ulsterwarrior said
Can we only spend 1 point in total, or if we have more than one we can use them all up.

See, I saw that my wording could potentially be mistaken like that, but was like "Naw, everyone will get it."

Yes sir, you can use more than 1 point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

To Lund ap Lunds

Lord: Rorik Strongheart


Cold Harbor(6): Infertile(.5%), 8,000 Population(4.4, 8,000 Bullis), Some Resources(+7,000 Bullis), Advanced Infrastructure(+1,500 Bullis,+600 Crops,0.2% Growth) 16,500 Bullis per Annum, 35,800 Crops per annum.

-Stonehelm(7): Great Manor, Great Wall.

-Coldport(13): Fair, 2,000 Population(8,000 Bullis), 8,000 Bullis per annum.

Icewaters(5): Scrublands(.3%), 7,000 Population(4.2, 7,000), Some Resources(+7,000 Bullis), Improved Infrastructure(+500 Bullis, +200 Crops 0.1%), 14,500 Bullis per annum, 29,600 Crops per annum.

-Saltcliff(3): Fortified Manor, Wooden Wall.

-Iceport(13): Fair, 2,000 Population(8,000 Bullis.) 8,000 Bullis.

Deepmount(4): Scrublands(.3%), 5,000 Population(4.2, 5,000), Some Resources(+7,000 Bullis), Improved Infrastructure(+500 Bullis, +200 Crops 0.1%), 12,500 Bullis per annum, 25,200 Crops per annum.

-Highpeak(5): Stone Manor, Stone Wall.

-Soarheight(13): Fair, 2,000 Population(8,000 Bullis). 8,000 Bullis.

Sharpsword(3): Scrublands(.3%), 5,000 Population(4.2, 5,000), Sparse Resources(+3,000 Bullis), Improved Infrastructure(+500 Bullis, +200 Crops, 0.1%), 3,500 Bullis per annum, 8,500 Crops per annum.

-Tallshield(7): Great Manor, Great Wall.

-Longspear(13): Fair, 2,000 Population(8,000 Bullis). 8,000 Bullis.

Funds: 109,000 Bullis.(6 Points Converted)

2,000 Iron Raiders- Leather(5/1), Axe(5/1). 20,000 Bullis.

750 Iron Archers- Leather(5/1), Longbow(10/4). 11,250 Bullis.

2,000 Iron Berserkers- Mail(10/2), Greateaxe(10/2). 40,000 Bullis.

500 Ironriders- Horse(20/5), Bow(5/3), Axe(5/1). 15,000 Bullis.

100 Longboats-6,000 Bullis.

50 Great Longboats-6,000 Bullis.

25 Great Galleys-6,000 Bullis.

5 War Galley-2,400 Bullis.

60 Ladders- 600 Bullis.

30 Battering Rams- 1,200 Bullis.

15 Catapults- 300 Bullis.

Total cost=108,750 Bullis.

Royal Court(36, 2 Points Converted):
Ailene, Rorik's twin sister: Young Sister(18)-3

Ulfric, Rorik's heir: Young Brother(16)-4

Karene, Rorik's sister, triplet: Adolescent Sister(14)-3

Ailla, Rorik's sister, triplet: Adolescent Sister(14)-3

Ragnar, Rorik's brother: Adolescent Brother(14)-3

Tulnar, Rorik's youngest brother: Toddler Brother(4)-2

Ygritte, Rorik's youngest sister: Newborn Sister(1)-1

Sven, Rorik's Military Advisor: Adult Courtier(33)-4

Kilnar, Rorik's Hand: Elderly Courtier(45)-3

Gorold, Rorik's best friend: Young Courtier(18)-3

Lanna, Gorold's sister: Young Courtier(17)-3


Original Receipts:
Total Population-33,000
In Towns-8,000

Crops per annum- 86,400

Total Growth Bonus- 1.9%

Income per annum- 79,000 Bullis.

Current Treasury-79,000 Bullis.

Ironstone Isle. A cold, hard place. Far to the north, alone in the Northern Sea. The soil is infertile and rocky, and many mountains dot the countryside. Those of the Ironblood are not farmers. They are miners and fishermen, sailors and traders. But before all, Ironmen are warriors. The name Ironstone once meant something. It once struck the hearts of all men with fear. Ironmen were raiders, by birth and blood. They would set sail in their dreaded longships, arriving in some unprotected village. They would plunder, rape and murder until nothing was left. Then they would escape into the night with their treasures, the only trace of their presence being the charred remains of their victims. Every man who lived on the coast feared the Ironmen. None were feared more than the Stronghearts. Though not kings of the Ironstone, they were kings in their own rights. From their mighty fortress Tallsheild, in Sharpsword, they ruled with an iron fist. The Stronghearts were warriors of the finest mirth. Each were trained to be above proficient with a multitude of weapons. When the first Overlord united Lundland, the Ironstone was the last to be annexed. They never would have been, if it hadn't been for the cowardly king Fulnar. The Ironmen were ready to fight for their freedom. Yet when Fulnar gazed upon the united navy of Lundland, he wetted himself and bent his knee. From that day, his name was erased from memory, and he has only known as the q King-who-bent-his-Knee. While the Ironmen have held nothing but contempt for that man and his family, the Overlord granted the man Lordship of the Ironstone Isle. Until now. Rorik Strongheart, merely a boy recently raised to power after the death of his power, revolted. The Ironmen joined his banner and they easily defeated the few loyalists with little losses. As the Lord of the Ironstone laid bleeding, The Strongheart crowned himself King Rorik of the Ironstone Isle. With the Overlord dead and Lundland in chaos, it is time for the Ironmen to return to their former glory.

Motto: Stronghearts, Strong Men.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Are you a Viking-like nation as well?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sheet done, page 8
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

An alliance may be in order.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I don't want independence, so....
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