[center][b]Yuyuko, Tachibana[/b]([s][i]Kenpachi[/i][/s]) [img=http://safebooru.org//images/1108/d99ba66f7d5c7f3f4fd6ab8cb284c41b0f6649ae.jpg][/center] [b]Age[/b]- [i]Unknown[/i] [b]Gender[/b]- [i]Female[/i] [b]Race[/b]- [i]Visored[/i] [hider=Abilities & Zanpakuto][b]Parameters[/b]- [i]Yuyuko's greatest strengths are her huge Reiatsu and strength, but her speed, durability and skill are all also on par with the average Captain. Her raw physical strength is absurdly high, to the point where she's been seen punching her enemies through solid concrete in the past. She's equally capable with a sword, two swords and hand-to-hand, making her a very well rounded and skillful melee fighter. Additionally, her high Reiatsu gives her an edge in all fields against weak opponents, who will be overwhelmed by her mere presence. Particular mention needs to be made for her sensory capabilities and reflexes, both of which have been specially honed so that she is not completely outclassed by quicker opponents. Using these skills, she can keep up with and fight opponents that move on a much higher level, so long as she isn't forced to compare speeds. While she is extremely strong, she often suffers from illness of the soul due to the harshness of her past ordeals. She is far weaker than she was in her prime, mostly as a result of the brutal effects of her Hollowfication...[/i] [b]Abilities[/b]- [i][u]Shunpo[/u] While Yuyuko's speed is quite high for a Shinigami, she is hardly what one would call a specialist who is skilled in the art. Particularly, she tends to easily betray her intention to use Shunpo by a noticeable wavering just prior. Still, her raw speed is quite high, so those not talented enough to react may find themselves outmatched. [u]Hierro[/u] An ability originating both from Yuyuko's powerful drive to survive, and her powers as a Visored. Even without her Mask, Yuyuko shows a rudimentary level of Hierro able to completely negate minor physical or spiritual harm, such as those by debris or weak, wide-area attacks. Stronger attacks will find themselves weakened by her passive Reiatsu, meaning that she is actually far more durable than her body alone. This also means, however, that the lesser her Reiatsu, the more vulnerable she becomes. This is most noticeable in longer, drawn out fights, or those where she is forced to go over her limit with her Mask. [u]Item Creation[/u] An utility skill used to create items infused with spiritual power, which may serve a wide variety of uses. As Yuyuko isn't a Kido person, these effects are quite limited in nature, but they prove extremely useful for her as a freelance Shinigami. She possesses a large amount of bandages that suppress wounds and allow them to heal at an accelerated rate. These bandages, however, also suppress a part of her reiatsu when in use, meaning that she is weakened overall when wearing them.[/i] [b]Hollowfication[/b]- [i]Yuyuko's Hollowfication is extremely hard to control, and even with her extreme training and self-control she has a hard time keeping a hold on herself for longer than five seconds at a time. Any longer than that, and her body begins to violently burst and leak energy into the air around her, as a result of her body simply not being able to contain her massive reiatsu. This results in a huge amount of drain on her stamina, which in turn makes her much more vulnerable to her Hollow Side's influence. Additionally, once she removes her mask after going over her limit, her body automatically reverts to a younger state in order to cope with the sudden loss of power. This effect is not permanent, but leaves her severely weakened for what often amounts to a significant period of time. However, her Hollow Mask is certainly worth the risks associated with it. With the huge amplification of her already extraordinary strength and Reiatsu, the destructive power of her attacks becomes fierce enough to cause massive damage even when blocked. All of her other attributes are boosted significantly, but those two are the ones that receive the greatest attention. Her Hollow Mask also gives her access to the extremely destructive Cero attack, although the charging time makes this move quite impractical. Overall, her Hollowfication allows her to overwhelm virtually any foe, even if it means damaging her body in the process.[/i] [b]Sealed Zanpakuto[/b]- [i]An exceptionally rare Daisho-style Zanpakuto, as seen in her appearance picture. The longer blade is noticeably stronger than the other, which is quicker. However, when both are wielded at the same time, the two blades match capabilities in order to match their master's fighting style.[/i] [b]Shikai[/b]- ([url=http://safebooru.org//images/1038/e5fbf0da27183de55e44968b7b74fa93014797e9.jpg]Spirit Appearance[/url]) [i]"[u]Remember, Saki Konpaku[/u]" In order to release her Zanpakuto, Yuyuko must draw her wakizashi and call its name. At that point, a spirit-like being made from her Zanpakuto's spirit particles will be released from the bottom, where it will detach and become able to fly around freely. Acting as an extension of both Yuyuko's soul and that of her Zanpakuto, this "spirit" is able to follow its Master's will to cut enemies and defend against attacks, or provide utility support by passing information or defending a comrade. Because of the versatility of this ability, and the fact that it becomes stronger based on the user's physical and spiritual abilities, it's considered exceptionally powerful. It isn't completely without flaw, though...[/i] [b]Bankai[/b]- ([url=http://safebooru.org//images/1167/812ff42cd45ff718f5890edf27c83996bf9cc212.png]Appearance Changes[/url]) [i]"[u]Bankai...Tenrai Konpaku.[/u]" In its Bankai state, Saki Konpaku and Yuyuko themselves show only a few, minor changes in appearance. Wisps of spiritual energy waft from Yuyuko's skin and weapons like fog, giving them a rather ghostly appearance. Additionally, Yuyuko's eyes usually change colour, although what colour they become doesn't seem to be consistent. The most important change, however, is the change to the blade's "spirit." Previously a rather small entity, and not one with much speed, the ghostly helper has evolved into a vicious, fast fighter that is extremely similar to its master in terms of capabilities, despite its unassuming form. While it's definitely not as strong as its master, it is still more than capable of helping her in combat with its quick movements and additional killing power. In Bankai, Yuyuko becomes able to produce miniature "spirits" from any point on her body or blade. These "spirits" act and preform exactly like smaller, weaker versions of the main spirit. Yuyuko is able to preform special techniques in both her Shikai and Bankai state, although these are hardly the focus of her abilities.[/i] [/hider] [b]History[/b]- [i]TL;DR, she used to be baller, now she's a retired, exiled Visored. Isn't it sad? Was Captain over a hundred years ago, too, so a lot of newer shinigami don't know a lot about her. Oh, and she runs a food delivery service in the mortal world. Visored often find themselves connected to her, to the point where she's considered the local expert on the subject. (Expect this to be expanded when I have more time~!)[/i] [b]Trivia[/b]- [i]Once killed a Hollow with a flying bathtub. Likes fried food. It's often hard to tell whether she's an idiot or a genius, but most of the Captains in her time seemed to think she was the latter. Hates soggy things.[/i] [b]Starting Location[/b]- [i]Karakura Town[/i]