Circus chapter will be boss. I personally recommend that everyone who can should try to make a villain for it, otherwise they'll regret it >:0 I think listing and calling classes taken in the OOC would actually be a benefit, Rex, it stops people from starting to think of ideas for a class that might not be acceptable, and knowing what classes are already taken can help inspire people to think of classes and powersets that might work well alongside that. At any rate, I'm sure you will, but once villain CSes start rolling in I think a group pm for those participating would be useful so everyone can see what personalities everybody else is working with (to avoid clashes and overlaps) and to again help inspire others and build some rudimentary ties between characters. A nice taster and teaser. c: For those who don't want to be spoiled, we can place them behind a hider. Otherwise, I don't think it's too bad. My hider contains personalities as well, but I don't think others would need to list it... it can just help with inspiring. [hider=For me, personally]• A youngish, male, hotshot [b][url=]human cannonball,[/url][/b] who speaks with a southern redneck-ish accent, but isn't the usual redneck stereotype, just the accent. He'd have powers transcending being fired from a cannon and able to literally blast himself about like a human rocket. • [b][url=]A strongman/beast tamer:[/url][/b] An incredibly large, muscular man with a russian accent and incredible power. He's so strong that he's able to lift and juggle his three animal companions, an elephant, lion and gorilla, whom he's each named after his daughters back home. He laughs a lot at silly jokes and his resultant slaps on the back almost literally break said backs. • [b]Other Circus based acts[/b] that might not be represented. A circus is a really cool setting and it'd be a shame to waste a good act as a possibility, so I'll probably cover another class for that, but I want to give everyone else the opportunity to nab ones before me. Just as I've hopefully given everyone some inspiration and ideas, I hope to be inspired from you guys and work a final char from that. ^^[/hider] That Aria pic is stunning. I'm going to save that, and maybe make a castshot for it if Kathi wants. What is the character? I thought it was an artist's fan character but it's gotten quite a bit of art in different styles, so I'm just wondering. XD Hope everyone's having a great day! ^o^