No worries, Fox and Kei! Things happen and you guys are being careful haha. I just hope the chapter is still fun for everyone. ;A; At any rate, Pacman and I have backup plans for if villains become undoable for everyone else, so don't worry if you guys can't or don't want to pitch in on that note haha; I just wanted to make the option open. Though our posts will be a bit bigger to accommodate for said plans ^^; I've talked to Buns already about the class she intends to use :), and I'll share what I've got if anyone would really like to know. Atm I personally prefer to keep them not spoiled since I already gave away my chapter's theme haha. I do have examples I've shared with Pacman for the types of villains I'm looking for, my own classes excluded (all of them are open), so I can share that instead if anyone's interested! Have fun mountain-climbing, Kathi!