"Coincidence? Boy, you got that right." Another man boasting weapons up to his ears and a little wave approached. She recognized him distantly, as a man mentioned a few passing times from her chatting with old Followers contacts. He could be trusted, likely, if the Followers liked him. Wow, today must be some kind of friendly mercenary convention. She glanced over as the ghoul took a very speedy swig of his Nuka-Cola and waved back at the newcomer. “Oh, hi! I was mainly gonna be the one to head out, but I’ve been looking for some people to help with critter wrangling. I’ve got some caps—oop, hold on.” Her bottle of pills jangled, along with all her medical supplies, and as she weighed her money pouch at her hip, several bits of old Stimpacks clattered to the floor and bounced against Terry’s toes. She cursed and stooped to pick them up and stuff them back into their respective places, rising again. “I’m not sure if I’d have enough caps to pay the lot of you, but whatever research I get out of the expedition is enough for me. Like this fella, Terry, here said, there’d be plenty of salvage that’d be yours to split.” She suddenly seemed to remember her bag of research notes and cursed profusely again, turning her gaze back to Mick and Ralph’s. “Shit, I—Oh, thanks, Dyl!” She approached Dylan and picked up her bag, opening it up. “I’ve got some of the notes already here, but I haven’t been able to do any autopsies or closer examination of any tumor difference between normal subjects and…Where’d this extra paper come from?” She glanced at Dylan. This woman was like a tornado, never staying in one place too long, stepping back and forth between the three of them as she spoke rapid-fire. “Well, anyway. Raphael, right? You’d be a great addition, and if things go well the three of you will get whatever you feel like carrying out.” She tucked away her papers and brahimskin notebooks and slung the sack back over her shoulder, waiting for their respective responses with a little bit of a fidget. This was exciting! If they, well, took the job. She had never been very good at group conversation, or conversation in general, and the idea of them all saying no at the same time would launch her straight back to…well, where she was ten minutes ago, she guessed.