[quote=Rin] I get the feeling I'm going to be the only one doing a vanilla Reaper. XD [/quote] It can't be helped. [quote=Thread Generator SIN] I'm pleased to see those of you who have decided to join. Tatsua Aiisen Accepted[/quote] Yayifications! One quick question, is Soul Society publicly aware of Visored? Do they discriminate against or hunt them at all? Is hollowfication public knowledge? [quote=LowKey123] Best. Ever. [/quote] Thank you. She also used to have a spiritually sensitive parrot named Charles~! [quote=Jangel13] fyi still working on it if any suggestions anyone wants to make go ahead [/quote] Since you're a Visored too, it's probably a good idea for us to talk about inter-Visored relationships at some point. How did your character gain their Mask, anyways?