((yes, well, those mind-y problems are the worst.)) Jurgen looked up when Eve returned. He was pleased with the progress he had managed on her introduction to the big leagues, and he shared his accomplishments with her when she asked. Obviously it wasn't much, but it was more than they'd had before she went out for a smoke. The cyborg then got up and got himself a snack to enjoy while relaxing. Mostly just to have something to do while he did nothing. But all that time doing nothing seemed to go by pretty quickly. Soon enough it was approximately dinner time. Considering they had the next couple of days to do whatever, Jurgen figured they didn't have to be too specific about meal times. At the same time, he did want to eat something before he went out with his robot to check out bars and whatnot. That was going to be weird, he was sure. So, while the android munched on her twinkie flakes, the cyborg put together a quick meal. He figured he would do up a bunch of casseroles and things the next day, and then he could just reheat his meals for the next month or so. For now, though, he'd have to actually make something. He did his usual thing and just picked out a few things he wanted to eat, and then kind of mashed them together, in a figurative sense, to create a grouping of food on a plate that one might be capable of calling a meal. Then he sat down on the couch to eat it. It was all right, he decided when he was finished. After all, it had been a collection of things he liked. They didn't go together very well, which was a shame, but it was good enough, Jurgen figured. And then, of course, Eve wanted to go out and find a bar. It was kind of early for that, but the cyborg didn't have any way to justify not going. So he got ready to go with only a little reluctance, wondering what weird crap he was going to get into tonight. He shrugged when his robot asked if he was ready to go. "I guess so. Fuck. I dunno, you lead the way, I'm just tagging along." he said, shaking his head, "This is going to be interesting..." he added as they stepped out the door. Then he locked it behind them before the pair headed out. They had to walk, of course, so they set off once again, toward the market area of the part of the junkyard they lived in. On the way, Jurgen wondered how bad of an idea this was going to be. The likelihood of being attacked on their way home was very high, all things considered. And if Eve was capable of getting drunk, that sounded bad. So he decided he wouldn't start drinking until he was positive that his companion wasn't capable of getting hammered and blacking out. If that could happen, well, he'd have to get them home somehow. For now he was just left to worry about things...