Dylan stood up after the Doc grabbed her bag. He started to reply to her question, but before he could, she turned around and started speaking to Raph. [i]Guess she's a bit out of touch[/i] he thought to himself. Dylan slung the .50cal rifle over his shoulder and unholstered his Energy Pistol. He checked the sights, made sure the E-Cell was maxed, then reholstered the pistol. "Listen, I'm in. Don't need caps as long as the haul is worth it, and even if it's not, as long as I take out some baddies, then we're good. I'm not trying to be all noble and crap, but I wouldn't feel upset in killing the nasties that are coming out of that place before they get to anything resembling civilization. I don't think we should shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to bipeds, though. Radiation may give some survivors heightened intelligence or other capabilities. Just saying." With that, he took out another toothpick, spat out the old one and popped in a new one and began to chew on that one. "Oh, and I can fix up any weapon that shoots, from bows and crossbows to plasma rifles and such. I can also make ammunition, as long as I have the supplies. I want first dibs on anything that we've never seen before." He looked at Terry and said, "Oh, and be damned glad to have you along, just as long as you," he motioned to the SMG that Terry's hand was dangerously near, " don't shoot me with that. A man of your capabilities could be quite useful in the blast zone. I'll keep you alive from a distance," as Dylan patted the butt of his rifle, "and you scrounge what you think would benefit us. Deal?" Dylan stuck out his hand and offered it to the ghoul.