[img]http://i.imgur.com/QC7kDwH.png[/img] [b][u]The Academy of the Arts - Performance Hall[/u][/b] Next thing Jay knew he was getting a good intimate look at the carpet. He gingerly pushed himself up. Aww dang that headbutt gave him a nosebleed. Blinking against the pain, he looked up... only for the world to seem to slow to standstill as he saw a metal fist heading right for his jaw. He scrambled back, but the blow was just too fast... catching his nose for the second time in about half a minute with an audiable [i]crack[/i]. She'd broken his nose. She had broken his nose! He clutched at his face, staggering back, blood by now absolutely [i]pouring[/i]. His poor, beautiful straight nose! "Argh!" he cried out. She sure was frisky. And usually, he would all be for frisky. But this... "You've gone too far, my dear," he said lowly, his voice once more nasal. He lowered his hands as he got into a fighting stance. He looked very, very upset. "How am I supposed to seduce the ladies with a ruined nose?!" he whined, throwing his arms in the air dramatically like he had been shot or something. "You've ruined everything!" Forget it. Forget his rule. He leapt forward in the blink of an eye, and was quite suddenly flying through the air with a powerful leg extended, aiming to kick Xan into Angel and send them both flying... --- [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]The Academy of the Arts - Outer Theatrical hall[/u][/b] Syed certainly felt the pole collide with his body, causing him to recoil a little, but thanks to Amy's spell it wasn't as bad as it could have been. He wished it was. Convulsions tore through Fabian's body as he was sent flying back, crashing into Lute. Syed could do nothing but stare in complete and utter dismay. He didn't listen. Of course he didn't listen. Why... why didn't he just drop the defensive spell? Then he wouldn't be hurt. But he was one of the thieves, and he had given him warning. Even if he didn't listen. The lights began flickering once more as he struggled to keep his emotions - and by extension his control - in check. A couple of times they even went out entirely for a second before he got a hold of himself again. It wasn't like he could pull him away from the danger. Not when the danger was [i]him[/i]. Not when he was bound to this spot thanks to his partner. He swallowed, trying his best to calm his shaking hands. Focus. Just... Was Lute now having a slapping match with him?! Okay. Okay yeah that sure put his mind off his mental dilemma, replacing it instead with the overwhelming desire to slap his forehead. Which one was the kid here? He'd seen six year olds deal with disputes with more maturity than this. He watched them for a moment, that precisely honed stern look quickly developing on his features. It was already starting to get out of hand. Well, they had to stop the thieves, and if this was Lute's... bizarre way of oh hell who was he kidding he wasn't dealing with this. "Right!" he shouted sternly, stamping his foot to get their attention. "That. Is. It! You're both acting like a pair of kids! You tell us you're not a child, then [i]stop acting like one[/i] Mister! And Lute, you should really know better. How is clawing at one another's faces even going to help?! Just... stop and think about what you're both doing! I mean it!"