[img=http://i.imgur.com/UPINOf1.png] [b][u]Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – Outside the Performance Hall[/b][/u] [i]"That's a stupid name!"[/i] Brat Jr. said before pulling down on his face like- Ow! Hey! “Yeah well, [i]you’re[/i] stupid!” Lute spat back and returned the favor by pinching Fabian’s face in the exact same way he was being treated. The kid even had the gall to make mincemeat of his face! “You ain’t no fucking prize either, twerp!” The two of them continued yelling at each other until Syed finally snapped. [i]"Right!"[/i] he shouted sternly, stamping his foot to get their attention. [i]"That. Is. It! You're both acting like a pair of kids! You tell us you're not a child, then stop acting like one Mister! And Lute, you should really know better. How is clawing at one another's faces even going to help?! Just... stop and think about what you're both doing! I mean it!"[/i] Man, Syed was scary. School principal scary. Amazingly, the thief let go of his poor bruised cheeks and Lute relented. It looked like that they were up for a truce… until that godforsaken brat made a move for his sword! “Oh no you don’t!” The virtuoso screeched and lunged towards Fabian, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy’s waist as the two of them fell to the floor with a loud thud. To his credit, the thief still continued wiggling after the weapon, but with Lute’s weight on him plus the fact that the virtuoso was trying to pull him [i]away[/i], progress went very slow.