I like it and it helps to jog my memory as well. I think she was concerned about her father/mother/brother - someone close to her and wanted to cure them, perhaps keeping the diseased individual on lock down and a complete secret from the rest of her team. We can have her eventually contract the illness either from that loved on or on the journey to find a cure in a nearby city. I think another couple we wanted had children and lost them in the fallout, putting a big strain on the parents, right? I know you don't like kids in an RP, but I thought we'd discussed a couple having lost there's. We could also have a brother and sister who are in Florida or Texas or something like that and in search for food and shelter, coming across a few different types of sick peeps and having more of the "horror story" effect of the RP. Sorry for my absence - so freaking sick this last week - flu. :(