Dylan put up his left hand as he subtly bladed himself to the now armed ghoul. "You want me to choose between two different types of slavery. One who does it openly and one who just wants to control everyone in the semblance of trying to put order to our chaos? Nah, I pass." Dylan then took a half step backward, his left hand still up. "Now, you definitely misunderstood me about your capabilities. Yes, I was alluding to the fact that you're a ghoul and that you can survive a LOT better than the rest of us when it comes to radiation. I shoot things from a distance. Yours are radiation and melee, mine is ranged combat. If you have a problem with your own capabilities, then that's your own issue. I was just making a suggestion as to how we can combine our skills, talents, and capabilities." He boldly stepped forward towards the ghoul, and offered his right hand for a shake, "Now, are you in and possibly rich, or are you out?"