[img=http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/Mobile%20Uploads/image-20.jpg] [u][b]The Academy of the Arts - Outer Theatrical hall[/b][/u] Mattis didn't expect the girl's sudden attack to his legs and fell. Before he had the time to shift his body in order to body slam the girl to the ground, he grunted in pain as the other woman drove a fist into his ribs. He hit the floor, and was rather surprised that the hit hadn't broken any ribs. There would certainly be a nasty looking bruise there later though. He shook his head, picking himself up from the ground once again and eyeing the two that had attacked him. He could hear Fabi and another guilder's angry screeching in the background, but kept himself focused on the two sword wielding women like the older one had suggested. He blinked as the lights began to flash erratically. A sudden bout of darkness gave him the chance to dart forwards, aiming a powerful hook at the large woman. He would try to take this one first- the girl was faster but hit lighter, while this one was on rather equal footing with his own strength and speed. He just wished she'd drop her sword before someone lost an eye or limb.