She looked at him and smiled. However, the smile fell when she noticed the cuts and bruises on his face, "Rayn..." "Wha...?" Is all he could get out before she took hold of his arm and sat him down, ignoring all and any protests. The water spread over both of her hands. She smirked, "You know, when I offered to heal you as part of my payment back to you, I didn't think I would have to do so so soon." "Yeah well, when you have my job you get used to unpredictability..." He said softly. She shook her head as the water started to glow and she ran her hands over his face gently, "I found a teacher... It is the woman at the booth's son. She also offered to give me work there. I start work with her tomorrow and I start training with him soon after. Apparently, some of their wares are water bended, so I can work while he teaches me." She grinned at him as finished with his last bruise, "There you go... Dinner is on the stove. Seaweed stew with seaweed noodles. I'll try to learn more recipes... but I only really know Northern and Southern Water Tribe ones right now." "Well arnt you lucky "he said as she mentioned her good news he then looked over at the kitchen. He hid his thoughts extremely well... Seaweed....he never really liked it. But he didn't want to hurt her feelings." Thanks" he said with a smile. He then felt his forehead the cut that was there is gone now. He smiled more "thanks for the help but you don't have to worry over me like a mother hen... I've had worse." He got up and made his way over to th kitchen, taking his staff off his back and placing it on a hook on the wall.