[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [b][u]The Academy of the Arts - Outer Theatrical hall[/u][/b] Moira... was not expecting the hit to be [i]quite[/i] that hard. There was a flash of darkness as her idiot partner already started screwing up, then suddenly before she was even aware of what was going on... POW! Her head snapped back as the powerful uppercut struck under her chin - causing her to lose her balance and fall backwards to the floor. Geez, it was a good thing she was experianced enough to keep her jaw clenched in a fight, else she might be loosing yet another tooth or her tongue or something. Ohhhhhh it had been a while since she had faced an opponent like this - a real hard hitter, an equal. She rolled out of the way of a second blow, jumping back up to her feet. "Heh..." A large grin spread across her features, although it didn't spread to her wide eyes. "HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She staggered a little to one side, before launching herself towards him once more, fists pulled back for another blow. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Not that she cared that it hit anymore - hell as expected he was already moving to dodge it. This was just [i]fun[/i]. Plus, he was doing exactly what she needed him to do. He was focusing on her, the most physically powerful member of the group. But in doing so he had taken his eye off Estelle, the strongest. That was what Moira was counting on. [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] Syed wasn't entirely sure Lute and Fabian rolling around on the floor was an improvement. "Amy?" he turned his head to face her. "Could you take over the lighting?" She'd do a better job anyway - she certainly seemed to have a better grasp on her control. Which... wasn't really saying much. He then stepped forward, the gestures abruptly changing as he ceased one spell and started another. The sword trembled a little on the floor, before being magnetically pulled across the floor and further out of reach. Syed then dropped his hands to his waist to untie his scarf - the one Trixie had picked out for him. "Sorry, but I think this has gone on long enough," he said with an apologetic smile. "We only need to restrain you, that's all." --- [img]http://i.imgur.com/QC7kDwH.png[/img] [b][u]The Academy of the Arts - Performance Hall[/u][/b] Well, Xan changing the shape of her arm was certainly interesting. Jay was fairly curious how she did it - was it a sort of magic, or was the arm some pioneering technology? The world was certainly making leaps and bounds in that way right now, not that he knew much about it. He bent back, this time just managing to dodge the blow. Just. "[i]Please[/i], like kids at a place like this even know what hardship is like," he hissed, spinning on the spot to aim another kick - one which Xan managed to block with her arm. The pair were locked together for a moment, each trying to gain the upper hand of strength from the other. "They're rich people, darling. Nothing is a loss to them. Not like you or me." Suddenly he jumped back, his powerful legs allowing him to go some distance, before running towards the boy. The woman was a skilled fighter, that's for sure. But she was a Guilder. So really, her weakness... would be him. He reached out to grab Angel in a choke hold...