[img=http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] [b][u]Aliquam: Academy of the Arts - Theater Hall[/b][/u] Trixie hunched over as she passed her guns, skidding along and swiping them before whirling around to face where she had just came from like an ice skater. Guns up. She panted with worry etched on her face, ready to shoot - but the perpetrator was nowhere in sight. There were fights behind her, to her left, and to her right - but this was the one she had to-- [i]"Stop now… or I will detonate the charges we’ve laid."[/i] What?? He totally would not. Not while he and his friends were still inside. He was sooo bluffing. Right? Pah, she couldn't let her guard down, especially not while on the hunt. Still keeping her guns up, Trixie eyed the Phantom without a change of expression, then darted back to where she had ran from. Now her guns were facing different directions, as if scanning the room. She perched herself atop a chair, in hopes of seeing Francesca hiding between rows, or creeping up behind her - but there was nothing. The sudden roar of Lucien's bear was enough to startle her in this state, but then it vanished in a puff of smoke. Smoke... smoke, smoke... Disgruntled, Trixie suddenly chucked a smoke bomb to the floor beneath her, enshrouding her and her side of the sector in a thick pink smoke. The smog crept a bit into the central aisle and down towards the main stage, but it did not expand wide enough to interrupt anyone else's battle. Inside the smoke Trixie crept down and roamed between and over the seats and aisles, free from sight as she searched for her predator. "I know you're here!" she called. "I can... uh... I can smell you!" --- [img=http://i.imgur.com/cfQzJva.png] Before Angel could properly stand himself off, he was sent through the air and back to the floor again, this time being the one crashed into. Xandra looked pained as she recovered from the fall, but like any good fighter she got herself back in the game quick enough and offered Angel her hand. The aristocrat accepted her help to rise once the daze in his vision had returned, though he stayed behind as she charged forward after Jay again. He was definitely not suited for fighting, especially not an extended one. Oh, if only the circumstances were different. He had lost such a perfect opportunity to hit on a metal-armed babe he was sure he'd never get again. An unfamiliar cry caught Angel's attention next. He looked up in time to see the Masked Phantom blast through the air from... Lucy, was it? Wow, everyone was just flying around today. Maybe he'd actually grow wings for once if he--oh, oh Aislin! Angel picked up enough determination to begin charging - just kidding, staggering towards the center aisle. Unless his eyes were playing tricks on him, his beloved die had dropped during the Phantom's launch away. Just when he thought it was his lucky day. He hadn't even gotten close to the aisle before he found himself unable to breathe suddenly - locked in Jay's chokehold. He sputtered, trying to shove the thief off of him, to step on him, to do anything to free himself, but it was no use. He was injured and exhausted enough, and now in a vulnerable position like this... Gods damn it. He knew he'd regret skipping out on middle school gym class. --- [img=http://i.imgur.com/t9SKBzc.png] [b][u]Aliquam: Academy of the Arts - Theater Hall (Outside)[/b][/u] Slap fights, name calling, scolding... the deadpan expression on Amy's face expressed her disbelief. What, was everyone inside having kindergarten quarrels too? By this point, Moira had begun to lose it - a true beserker terrifies even her own allies. Geez! Syed had to repeat himself to catch Amy's attention off Moira. "The lighting?" She thought about going after the sword as well once Fabian began screaming, but it seemed like Syed already got that covered. Didn't look like anyone was deathly injured outside anyway (aside from Moira converting her hurt to adrenaline), so she could afford holding off heals and buffs for a moment; if they wrapped this up quick, they could help the others inside just as quickly. In compliance, Amy held out her staff, allowing both her own body and spinning gem to glow a luminous white. This cast shadows among those too far from her, seeing as she was on ground level instead of ceiling, but it was better than total darkness and extended flickers.