[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] [b][u]Academy of the Arts: Performance Hall[/b][/u] Just how speedy was this guy? Lucien gritted his teeth, not even the imp could keep up with him. His summon was yanked into the air before it was sent flying straight into his face. He let out a yelp as the thing began tugging like mad at his hair. It was obviously spooked and like a frightened cat, it was clawing wildly and taking it out on its summoner. "Sharp! Sharp!" He yanked it off of his face and tossed it to the ground. The creature stuck out its tongue before exploding into another puff of smoke. "Yeah, yeah, it messed up my hair..." [i]And gave me a heart attack.[/i] He didn't say the second part out loud, "I'm just grand..." And then without warning, the masked phantom took away Dylan's slate. "Oi! That's stealing," Lucien puffed out his chest and took a step forward, but before he could do anything the slate was destroyed and the masked phantom was threatening to detonate the charges. The summoner already had a tuna card in his hand, but as soon as the threat was spewed out, he backed down and deflated like a balloon. Sure, he wasn't the smartest one out there, and sure he could be an idiot at times, but he backed up. Lucien didn't want to risk anyone getting hurt so he raised his hands and gave Dylan a quizzical glance. This academy was his friend's home and Lucien wasn't going to do anything stupid to endanger it. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZEQcnsM.png[/img] She had been expecting another kick or feign, but suddenly Jay rushed away from the fight and began heading towards an entirely new direction? Her eyes flitted towards Angel and she managed to put two and two together. OH. Xan rushed forward but before she could even get close, Jay pulled Angel towards him and placed the man in a choke-hold. The girl eyed the thief then the struggling student. Those thieves weren't honor-bound like they were and if they wanted to, they could hurt anyone. The mask phantom made that clear already. Her offensive stance quickly changed into a more defensive one and slowly, her prosthetic regained its original form. She kept her eyes focused on Jay, but no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't find an opening and she didn't want to risk getting Angel hurt. "Let's not do anything hasty." She muttered before raising her hands in an appeasing sort of gesture. --- [img]http://i.imgur.com/D4WIg6B.png[/img] [b][u]Academy of the Arts: Outside the Performance Hall[/b][/u] "Ooof, you stink!" Fabian complained when Lute practically thew himself on the boy. The young thief's hands darted to his nose and he stopped squirming. "LET GO!" He hated to admit it, but in terms of strength, the stinker was the winner. "Uuugh!" The boy extended his arm but he was too far away and soon enough the sword magically moved on its own. "E-Eh! That's cheating." He turned his head to see lighting school teacher guy with the blade. It was over. Fabian ceased his squirming and puffed up his cheeks in indignation. How could he beat a handful of grownups when he didn't have any of his gadgets anyway. He felt really bad for messing up. The masked phantom had actually trusted him to pull through and here he was failing! Even Miffy, the old lady and granddad trusted him. "FINE!" He exploded, but to be honest, beneath his angry facade, he felt like crying.