[quote=Gisk] All cool ideas, I'LL probably put them all in. though, the first and last one would be fire(because it relates to spirit).Or maybe spirit will be both combined. Yeah, I'll probably go with it that way. [/quote] I'm glad you like them. Though, i'm still a little confused on what storm, the combination of wind and fire, is. I thought it was lightning, is that correct? If so, lightning is electricity, and electricity is just moving electrons. So what kind of abilities would that entail? To me it seems like a skill tree which would allow for the manipulation of matter, but since the ascendants have that already, how would storm work? Oh, and I have a few more suggestions for monk skills! First, how much control would a wind user have over wind? Would they be able to control the exact ration of what makes up the air around a given area? For example, there's always a mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere. Could a monk move the wind around so its all carbon in an area or oxygen? If not possible as an innate ability, how about it as a skill? Also, what about the ability to project images into another person's mind, and even confuse their senses?