[img=http://i.imgur.com/b27GvEb.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/k7pmSIv.png] Martini wept as Jasper left the dome, wanting nothing more than to stop the girl and keep her within the protective barrier. Leon's and Haki's death hadn't fully sunk in yet and the mermaid felt numb, yet the barrage of shadowy wisps slamming against the barrier prevented her from reaching out and bringing the girl back. Brandy's barrier had long cracks running through it, supported by only the iridescent bubble shivering underneath. It was taking all of the mermaid's effort to keep up the bit of magic- her tip of her tail and hair were already starting to turn pale. If she kept exhausting her magic like this she would end up fading away as Nobodies who used up all their magic were did, perhaps even before the battle could be won. Brandy wasn't in much better shape, having been slammed down and trapped by heavy roots that had sprung out if the ground after he had sent a few blasts the witch's way. He was quite sure that he had at least broken some ribs, if not more. The roots pressed harder against his back and he drew back a sharp breath as his remaining ribs creaked in protest. He hoped that nothing had been punctured inside. The rabbit growled at the humans' efforts at attacking the witch, and was feeling very angry at the death of Haku and Leon. While he wasn't much fond of the former and rather unfamiliar with the latter, their deaths had been horrible. The rest of the humans were in trouble as well, with a few looking dangerously close to death while those who weren't trapped could barely land a hit on the monstrous hag. His sight was growing blurry, dizzy with pain as he was that he barely made out the figures of the group making their way out of the forest. --- [img]http://i59.tinypic.com/2nb4npu.jpg[/img] Witches. Somewhere in his muddled memory he remembered witches. Sacha's eyes narrowed unhappily as the witch kicked away the poor Rainbowzilla and toppled over the picnic basket that he had poured hours of effort into. The poor colorful lizard let out a pitiful "Weeeh!" as it scampered into Sacha's arms, the man giving it a few reassuring pats on the head. The witch had not only hurt the humans, but had also scared poor Zilla and ruined their picnic- it was all making Sacha rather upset. He took a few steps forward, then back again as he spotted Jasper. He hadn't quite forgotten how the girl had so heartlessly shoved goop in his face back in the caves, and was rather nervous that she would try something similar this time round as well. Eyeing Jasper warily, he raised the baby Rainbowzilla so that it was facing the witch that was temporarily distracted by Gary's pole-swinging. "Do your worst," he encouraged, and the little guy response with an excited cry, wriggling as the spines on its back lit up before unleashing a powerful beam of rainbow at the witch. The force of the blow sent the hag tumbling before wisping back into shadow, and Sacha had to leap to the side to avoid a column of earth shooting up from underneath him. And he had been looking forward to a relaxing day too.