Raphael watched as the woman bounced back and forth between the members of the party with an eyebrow raised. "This lady is absolutely bonkers..." he thought to himself. He gave her a look-over, trying to come up with an opinion of her OTHER than that she's crazy. He'll probably learn along the road. Fortunately...or unfortunately, Raphael couldn't decide, the ghoul was just as cautious as he was, as he asked who each person aligned themselves with. Legion? Fuck no. NCR? HELL no. "Ditto for me, slick. I ain't a part of either of those clown acts. I know about the Legion and the sick shit they've done, and I've had one too many bad run-ins with the NCR for me to even consider joining up." Raphael adjusted his belt, his machete clanking against the bits of metal on his outfit. "What about you, T? Who's side are you on?"