Meridian Palace of Heavenly Might, Tsaesic Kingdom, Akavir 5th of Sun’s Height (Akavir local time) Potentate Esthera-Vash --- “Just place your hands on the sphere and close your eyes.” “I know what is suppose to be done, let me be.” “Of course, your excellency.” The mage scurried away, leaving Esthera alone in the chamber. The room was dominated by one table, a wooden furniture containing similar items to an enchanter’s workbench. But it was different in one major aspect, the large green orb on its center. The orb casted a a mythical glow around it, and to trained users, it sent out tingles to their minds. Such device was how Tsaesci communicated across long distances, an ancient but effective invention. The westerners called it the Dreamsleeve, another dimension existing parallel to Mundus. To the Tsaesci, a race of great arcane achievements, it was a line of thoughts connecting individuals over any distance. Only trained mages were capable of communicating through the Dreamsleeve without assistance. In the case of Esthera, she was not one of those people. Instead, the orb translated her thoughts and soul gems transmitted them to another orb that had been setup similarity. Taking a deep breath of steady her mind, the Potentate rested her hands upon the orb and shut off her eyelids. Within seconds, faint whispers reverberated from the deep recesses of her mind. The whispers were initially undecipherable, but each consecutive sound was more audible than the last, until finally, a clear voice could be heard. “Esthera," General Abasi-Kil’s voice materialized in her thoughts, his words was just slightly warped by the device. “It has been some time.” “Likewise Abasi,” Esthera’s own voice responded. Though it was not a spoken sound, her thoughts were made into such to facilitate her speech. “Is the campaign successful?” “Our vanguards broke through immediately, they never had a chance. Though I have to inform you, we made contacts with several unexpected allies.” “Oravos?” “Indeed, and another, the Maormers of Pyandonea.” To say Esthera was surprised was an understatement, she was nearly broke contact with Abasi from her shock. The Maormers were no more than legends to the Tsaesci, who’s last contact in the second era was seen by many as nothing more than fictional stories. But now, they have surfaced again, with their powerful navy, Esthera thought, they are not ones to be trifled with. “An emissary had a brief conversation with the Tang Mo commander,” Abasi continued. “He passed the message me, they requested an audience with our rulers.” “That was rather unexpected,” Esthera commented. The Maromers’ navy, many times more powerful than the Tsaesci’s and all other’s, could spell the doom of their invasion. Alternatively, they could also become valuable allies and demolish all oppositions on the waves. “Very well, I shall speak to them. Our ships depart on the next dawn, we will be at Ynslea in two weeks.” --- Swamps near Thorn, Black Marsh 8th of Sun’s Height Matiyahu-Zvi --- The moon was bleeding, a bright scarlet aura radiating from Secunda’s surface. It was not a natural occurrence, nothing of such was seen on Akavir. Of that, Matiyahu was sure the lunar phenomena was the work of these lizards. To what effect they aimed for was unknown to him, but whatever they have planned, there was nothing he can really do. Majority of their mages were deployed in the north, leaving the Southern forces a skeleton crew of magic users. In addition, the local resistance was more than frustrating. For a species primitive enough to use only sticks and stones, the Argonians put up a surprisingly stiff resistance. In the end, Matiyahu did have some respect for his adversaries’ futile but resourceful attempts. The lizards coated their flint tips with various types of poison, a would-be effective tactics against opponents other than the Tsaesci and Tang Mo. For the easterners, they were no strangers to poison. The Tsaesci possessed natural snake blood, making them immune to such underhanded methods. Similarly, the Tang Mo, being natives to the dangerous island jungles, were also highly resistant to any natural or alchemical toxins. All in all, what bothered the Dragonguard captain was the how fast the Argonians could disappear and reappear. Sure, he wasn’t facing competent fighters. No, there were merely small shadows of movements, compact groups of fighters that would throw their sticks and mostly failed to connect with anything other than dirt. It was clear that their intent was not to launch a counter-offensive, they were stalling for reinforcements. Therefore, it made eradication of the resistance paramount to Xing and Matiyahu. Today, his luck finally played to his favor. The mixed group of Dragonguards and Tang Mo caught sight of a large camp. The camp itself was difficult to find, there was no fire, smoke or any tell-tale signs of the living. It was by pure coincidence that the group stumbled upon this location. Within minutes, the Argonian overwatch was dispatched, leaving no indication of the easterners’ arrival. Now, the combined Tsaesci/Tang Mo force encircled the camp. A hand signal for the Tang Mo clan master made clear of their readiness. They were in position to attack, and Matiyahu will lead with his Kiai. Three words, lost to most in the ages and unknown to everyone but most elite of all Dragonguards, sang for Matiyahu’s lips. This was the ancient language of Dragons, creatures that had not existed in Akavir for millenniums. Yet, knowledge was passed down. The Dragonguards long held the secret of scared words, and in the cases of a adept such as Matiyahu, his Voice was a weapon more devastating than the most powerful of eastern canons. Indeed, the only worthy translation to a godly language were the very forces of nature itself. Matiyahu’s Kiai was a lightening storm, as bolts of electricity slammed through whatever weak barricades the Argonian hid behind and shock waves danced between the group. Rest of the eastern fighters took this chance and attacked, in the wake of Matiyahu’s destruction, almost a hundred Argonians were slaughtered within minutes. No enemies were spared, all except for one. The female Argonian, the very individual that started this resistance and the one that Matiyahu swore as his nemesis, was making a final stand. Her fighting style was different from the others, it was not a reckless charge, instead, they were calculated moves executed with cold efficiency. “Put down your weapons now!” Matiyahu warned as ten eastern soldiers surrounded the lizard. Just as he expected, the Argonian did not comply. She spoke something in Tamrielic, words unknown the the Dragonguard captain. That was the last straw for Matiyahu. His sword, a peculiar quicksilver blade nicknamed Impulse, lashed out from his hand. It was a literal transformation into a chain whip, as segments of quicksilver coiled apart, connected by thin, flexible metal strands. The snake-like sword wrapped itself tightly around the Argonian, rendering her immobile. The Tang Mo clanmaster was quick to act, spells of paralysis flew from his hands and found their mark on the lizard. “Get her back to Thorn,” Matiyahu commanded his subordinates, as they stood above the Argonian’s paralyzed body, Matiyahu snorted in distain. “She’s going to have a serious talk with me.” --- Thorn, Black Marsh 9th of Sun’s Height Xing --- Despite their rivalries, Xing allowed himself a small grin at the sight of Matiyahu’s return. For almost a week, the female Argonian named Sha’zeek, as told by a prisoner, and her resistance annoyed him to the upmost degree. Now, with the lizard shackled in Barkaan’s conveniently build maximum security dungeon, they would be clear to proceed with the next stage of invasion. “Commander Xing,” Ildoryn said as he entered Xing’s office, the former room of Barkaan himself. “My men have departed from Tear, they will arrive within a week’s time.” “Excellent,” with Dunmer reinforcements, Tang Mo and Tsaesci forces could further their assaults inland and down the coast. “Have you met our newest prisoner? The last ruler of this city held many cruel instruments. I believe captain Matiyahu is in the dungeon right now, introducing this “Sha’zeek” to Barkaan’s spikes.”