Terry looked hard at both of the men, his eyes quickly shifting between them. He thought for a moment, visibly grinding his teeth, thanks to a lack of skin around his mouth. "To be fair, if either of you had said Legion, I'd have put a mag's worth of bullets in your skull. The NCR hasn't been perfect, but they damn well try. Rangers have saved my ass more than I'd like to say, but the Legion is..." Terry said, suddenly stopping as his voice rose. "I haven't had the best relationship with them." He muttered, thinking back to the old days, when he had enough caps to not give a shit about anything but finding the next Legionaries to kill. His eyes then sunk down to look at Dylans hand. He thought for a bit too long on it before he finally made his decision, and shook the hand, albeit slowly, and in a very lackluster way. "This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done... Alright, smoothie. Count me in."