Name: James Spring Alias/Other name: Age: 30 Family: Nope Faction: New world Order Occupation before power outage: Veterinarian Occupation now: Government. Captain in the Militia. Personality: Used to be a calm. caring individual, who enjoyed life. Had to toughen up a lot during the power cuts. Background: In a world with power, James was a top tier Vet. Many of people would seek out his services to save their beloved animals, and James loved his job. It's all he ever wanted to do. James would give back to the world, by joining with Charity groups, who would spend time rescuing those animals who need the most help. Life was certainly good. Then the power went out. Life switched. James had always looked after himself, a regular at a local gym, but he was never a fighter. He had to toughen himself up during the years. As people begun to panic and then steal, and eventually kill one another. Such an incident happened in his home. A man wielding a small knife broke in, looking for supplies. James gave cash, but it no value anymore. People were hungry and needed items to trade. The man didn't leave, and a fight ensued. James ended up the victor, only because he did what he needed to, and managed to kill his attacker with his own knife. James then started practising with the knife, getting better, and moved onto swords. Until he eventually joined the local militia, picking him mainly due to his skills with a blade, as he was older than a lot they picked from. It will only take reminding him of how things used to be, to sway him to the side of the Family and help them out. Weapons: Prefers to opt for the sword instead, besides, when your Men surround you with weapons. You feel pretty safe. The Lovely MisuChan has asked me to Co-GM, as I'm a fan of the show. I accepted. BOW DOWN! (Kidding).