[quote=Cyclone] Shaige's dungeon is underground. That's great and all, except for the fact that the entrance collapsed and his minions were frantically trying to dig their way out before they ran out of air and suffocated. But now, the four posts have passed so the tunnel is fixed and we can get this started. Trapezoid, should I wait for you to do that post or just have Shaige find Ifrit so that we can fast forward to when they get to the Klug village? Normally I'd take a post or two to have that William guy escape (poor fellow is destined to have a run in with the Tormenter) and have some dialogue between Shaige and Ifrit, but we have two people waiting on us so we should probably hurry this along and begin the invasion ASAP. [/quote] I got all the time in the world, don't rush on my account. If you want William to have Tea With Cthulu beforehand, I don't mind.