The village had a simple plan for defense. There are few tools by which a mortal man could wound creatures of ghost and shadow. But there are a few. Fire cleanses everything. Good or ill, build a fire hot enough, and burns everything to ash, pure and untainted. The presence of fire magic and elementals strained this principle, but did not overrule it. One simply needed a hotter fire. A ring of torches lit the perimeter, which, was not a full wall, but rather rows of sharpened stakes that would slow infantry but not stop them, but would effectively deter cavalry. The village's primary threats to their way of life were civilized nations and their formations and cavalry, not the raiders from fellow tribes, though those raids be more common. At the back of the village, there was a mighty plateau of bare rock, a winding path up multiple terraces leading to the top only on the side of the village. The temple of the Klug was their last refuge, the entry at the top of this plateau but the complex leading all the way down into the base. In the past, when nations struck at the five tribes and others were scattered, the Klug retreated their women and their children to the inside of the temple, while the men fought inside the town. They did not hide in the temple's fastness, yet fought harder to protect their families. A hundred of the holy men of the Klug prayed inside the temple around a great fire that produced a plume of multicolored smoke, like a glorious headdress for the rock formation. Its stone was rendered impervious to spell, spirit, or steel by their chant*. But there was a weakness to this spell. The smoke and fire had to keep going, and so the exit could not be sealed lest everyone die without air. Two hundred of the Klug warriors remained atop the rock to protect it from assault. The terraces had many small fires lit, next to great stacks and rings of throwing spears. Rocks too, were readied and piled around the edges. These rocks were wrapped in grass and bundles, wet with liquid. Throughout the town paths were made, grass and other brush piled up and wet with liquid. It was a bit odd that if it was intended to light them, the paths were not aligned so that the fires would not catch the nearby buildings aflame. 0/10 Until the Klug let their guard down. If no forces disturb the Tribes further for awhile, the Klug will likely assume the threat is passed and lower their guard. They cannot maintain this heightened state of alert forever. *Technically not true in that enough firepower would get through, but with 100 guys bolstering the spell, you'd have a real pain making good headway.