Jordan’s expression was hard to read as the two other humans gave their opinions of the Legion. Thank god none of them were sympathizers with the slaver bastards, or she’d be sure to turn a good chunk of each of them to goo. Her shoulders gave a little jostle at a sudden flash of memory—the smell of smoke and a bloodied man, laughter, the scrape of rubble against her face as it was forced to the side. She gave another little bout of twitching, shook it out and gave them all a wide smile. “Shit, that was the easiest recruitment I’ve ever seen. Not--not that I’ve really done any before.” She pulled a scrap of paper from its position tucked under her belt, whipped out a charcoal-tipped stick from a pouch and checked off on her to-do list, under ‘BUY PAPER!!!’. She looked up momentarily and scribbled something extra down onto the parchment before tucking it away again. “Okay. You fellas have camping supplies, right? I just gotta make a quick run for some medical stuff. Ugh, you would not [i]believe[/i] how much Radaway I’ve been using up.” Chuckling, she gave a brief wave and made for the Old Mormon Fort’s gate, slipping inside just after gripping one of the guards by the arm, saying something, and promptly being given a very quick squeeze of greeting in return. Showing her face at the Fort was bittersweet at best and painful at worst, if only because all of her childhood heroes would look over, shake their heads, sigh, and get back to work. She could hide her abuse under bubbliness to most people, but to the doctors she held no secrets. It was still bad, but then when had it ever been great? She was advancing, some of them had to see that. A month ago she’d been worse. She spotted Dr. Stevenson in the shade of a tent, and nearly by sense she could tell something was wrong. The look Dr. Degatto gave him made her heart stiffen coldly. She inched forward, tempted to simply continue on and reach the scholar always willing to sell her surplus supplies for scrap and trade, to ignore the scene, but Stevenson was shaking. Degatto was chiding, as always, but with much greater urgency, as one would warn another of an impending blast. Stevenson glanced upward, met her gaze, and looked away. She bit back her words and kept walking. She found Bucky by the injured tent, taking inventory of their Stimpaks and chem reserves. Wordlessly, he shook her hand and set down the clipboard with a sigh. “I don’t think we’re needing caps right now, J. You need some Radaway? I might have some lying around if you could spare some stims.” He shook his head. “People are smart enough—usually, heh—to stay away from the irradiated zones, but the critters are also smart enough to climb outta their holes and fuck people up.” Jordan hummed and checked her own supplies. “I can give you...three.” They made the trade gladly, Bucky gave her a friendly smack on the arm, and she was off, heading out of the Fort and tucking the three Radaways carefully into her pack. Around only ten minutes had passed, and she found wherever her newfound merry bunch stood. “Alrighty, I’ve got everything I need for a couple weeks.” She gave her various canteens a good shake each. “…We can drop by the pump on our way out. Shit, I’m excited! I’ve never traveled around with other humans much before.”